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Established in 2002, is published by deListed a member of Investogain Pty Limited (ABN 88 129 443 447), holder of Australian Financial Services Licence No: 334036.
deListed makes available details of companies that have changed their name or failed or been delisted from the Australian Stock Exchange.
Along with, deListed provides a seamless connection with the past and comprehensive company information. In particular deListed seeks to bring you updates and information on failed companies including those in external administration and companies suspended and delisted from ASX.
deListed also provides additional services to shareholders who have not maintained contact with their companies and those seeking to realise losses following company failure.
You can read more about us here:
deListed and InvestoGain are largely the result of voluntary effort. We welcome input and updates from investors, company officers, insolvency practitioners, regulatory bodies, registries and others to
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