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unlisted company (formerly PRIME AET&D HOLDINGS NO 1 LIMITED, PRIME AET&D HOLDINGS NO 1 PTY LTD, PRIME AET&D HOLDINGS NO 1 LIMITED, PRIME AET&D NO 1 LIMITED, BBI EPS LIMITED) - shares in this company were the subject of an in-specie distribution to Prime Infrastructure securityholders on 22 October 2010 who received one non-voting share for each Prime Infrastructure Holdings Limited share held on the Record Date (19 October 2010) - Prime Infrastructure said at the time "as the shares in AET&D Holdings No 1 Pty Limited (which it was then called) have no value, there will be no adverse tax consequences for Prime Infrastructure Securityholders receiving the Distribution"

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what were the proceedings per share?

21/08/2024 18:29:07

Received cheque dd 18 Sept 23 for \"Distibution of AET&D wing up proceeds\". Letter advises \"5. Tax Implications: This distribution is NOT considered to be a dividend....... Australian Residents should include the amount as assessable income....\"   

Where does it go on a personal tax return??

02/08/2024 13:58:16

26/09/2023 Received cheques today on liquidation of Prime AET&D Holdings Pty Ltd just intime before cheque deposits will be unable to be deposited to bank accounts.

27/09/2023 10:28:22

AET&D Holdings No 1 This has finally been wound up effective 23/5/23. Its only taken 14 years!

21/09/2023 12:49:22

Does this entity have any value?

19/03/2019 15:42:08

Prime AET&D Holdings No 1 Pty Ltd\'s Shs Non-Voting (Australia) will be deleted from Other OTC, effective February 14, 2017. The deletion was due to inactive security.

16/11/2017 12:20:30
They are transferrable but you have to pay NSW Stamp Duty because they are shares in an unlisted company. There is a minimum of $10 stamp duty.Wait until 01/07/2016 when NSW stamp duty is abolished!
22/07/2014 14:12:16
It's pretty hard to find information on these worthless shares. Most of the links from the Prime website are dead so I wouldnt bother. must be another empty office with no chairs or desks and phones on the floor.23/10/2013 14:33:47
any news on the above request19/08/2013 13:21:09
I was just wondering if AET & D Holdings No. 1 limited is a transferable asset or not.
16/11/2012 11:19:35
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