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delisted due to failure to issue 1974 Annual Accounts

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ASX announcements available from 1998 only


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Do shares in Ashburton Oil NL have any value?

20/02/2024 21:10:53

24/08/2021 14:02:50

Have found Ashburton sharping my deceased mothers estate

are they worth anything?

31/03/2020 14:07:46

I found,some share certificates for,Ashburton oil dated 1970,when sorting out my deceased father\'s estate,are they still worth anything??..thank you,Nigel.

20/09/2016 14:01:23
We have  2000 shares in ashburton oil  bought 1973 
Munga creek minerals NL
Offshore oil NL  2000   could you please inform me if these are worthless 
25/06/2014 16:07:17
My husband had 1000 units in this company also he has also passed away and I have just found the paper work - I suppose this means they are worthless shares.  Christine Scott
22/04/2014 08:06:27
Just wondering My Father In Law had shares in this company bought them in 1970 - 1000 shares - did this company change names or does this mean that these shares are now obsolete ?????My Father In Law has since passed away just trying to tidy up his affairs.Kay Higginson10/08/2013 07:54:16
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