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note re Australia Wide Property Trust No. 3 - Esplanade Property Fund, a property fund, invests in direct property securities, and unlisted and listed property securities in Australia. Entrust Funds Management Limited operates as manager of the fund. The fund was founded in 1985 under the name Australia Wide Property Trust No. 3 and changed its name to Australia Wide Flexi Property Fund in 1988. Further, it changed its name to Flexi Property Fund in 1999 and to Esplanade Property Fund in 2006. Esplanade Property Fund is based in Perth, Australia


we understand the various trusts in the group ended up with Mirvac, BZW Barclay, Heine, Perpetual Trustees, Armstrong and BT - see also notes under Aust-Wide Group Limited


delisted following approval by shareholders of resolutions to delist Trust

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