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taken over by Cam Gears (according to the note below, thank you to the contributor, Cam Gears had been previously acquired by TRW Pty Limited and was a wholly owned subsidiary of TRW)

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I worked for Duly & Hansford Pty Ltd in 1973-4. TRW had bought Duly & Hansford in the 1960s as noted in 1968. It was previously a family company.

It didn\'t take over the former British company Cam Gears which had an Australian factory until 1983. Both operated as separate divisions of TRW until there disposal.

24/02/2019 16:45:08
Cam Gears (not Can Gears) was acquired by TRW in 1965 and was a wholly owned subsidiary of TRW.21/07/2013 12:47:28
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