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Lateral has never been a listed company and is therefore outside our focus


the following extract from an ASIC media release may be helpful to shareholders - dated 14 August 2002 - ASIC has permanently banned three former directors from acting as representatives of a securities dealer or an investment adviser. The three men were all jailed in July 2001 after pleading guilty to a range of charges including the misuse of their positions as directors in relation to the misuse of $1.46 million from Lateral. Lateral was an unlisted public company whose principal activity was to trade in futures contracts and options over futures. The company was placed into liquidation in December 1997 with the consent of the directors, following a winding-up application by ASIC. At the time it went into liquidation, Lateral had raised approximately $18 million from around 700 investors in Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney and Brisbane - we suggest you phone ASIC on 1300 300 630 for further details

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