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Computershare Brisbane
Level 1, 200 Mary Street Brisbane QLD 4000
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 7 3229 9860
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
Address: Level 5, 100 Melbourne Street, South Brisbane, QLD 4101
Tel:  (07) 3221 7210 Fax: (07) 3229 1776

Date first listed: 05/07/2001

Sector: Materials
Industry Group: XMJ
Activities: Interests in two open-cut coal mines including the Coppabella Mine and the Moorvale Mine - plans to develop up to five new mines from its project pipeline by 2010, prioritising the development of higher value coking coal deposits

many shareholders in this company have unclaimed money due to them - deListed provides a tracing service for a small administration fee that identifies where people can find unclaimed monies arising from compulsory acquisitions and also from dividend distributions, super contributions, inoperative bank, building society or credit union accounts, bequests and other sources - please click here for access to our Lost shares, Lost money?? service


delisted following the issue by PEAMCoal Pty Ltd of compulsory acquisition notices and subsequent completion of the compulsory acquisition


we understand that PEAMCoal was successful with an offer of $16.25 cash per MCC share


Peamcoal has completed the compulsory acquisition of all shares


the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission proposes to allow coal miners to collectively bargain with QR Network for access to its below rail infrastructure in the Newlands, Blackwater and Goonyella coal rail systems. Coal from the Bowen Basin mines is to be exported through the Port of Abbot Point. Authorisation is sought by Carabella Resources Limited, Macarthur Coal Limited, Middlemount Coal Pty Limited, New Hope Corporation Limited, Peabody Energy Australia Pty Limited and Rio Tinto Coal Australia Pty Limited. The Port of Abbot Point is 960km north of Brisbane


company advises that its Annual General Meeting which was scheduled to take place on Wednesday, 30 November 2011 has been postponed. A replacement date, time and venue will be advised once finalised


Peabody Energy Corporation acquired 23,457,453 Macarthur Coal Ltd shares via its $16.25 cash per share takeover offer between November 22 and 23, 2011, increasing from 276,406,700 shares (91.5%) to 299,864,153 shares (99.26%)


Peabody Energy Corporation acquired 3,009,633 Macarthur Coal Ltd shares via its $16.25 cash per share takeover offer between November 17 and 22, 2011, increasing from 273,397,067 shares (90.5%) to 276,406,700 shares (91.5%)


the securities of Macarthur Coal Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation at the close of trading on Thursday, 24 November 2011 in accordance with listing rule 17.4, following the issue by PEAMCoal Pty Ltd of compulsory acquisition notices on Thursday, 17 November 2011

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)


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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    23/11/2010Chen ZengOn market7,000$12.240$85,680
    05/11/2010Keith De LacyOn market2,500$12.340$30,850
    28/08/2009Chen ZengOn market10,000$8.750$87,500
    01/12/2008Roger MarshallOn market10,000$3.870$38,700
    01/12/2008Keith De LacyOn market10,000$3.870$38,700

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)
    Eric FordChairman26/10/2011
    Julian ThorntonCEO26/10/2011
    Steven HedgesCOO
    Michael CrewsCFO26/10/2011
    Stuart HattonCFO
    Paul DowdNon Exec Director26/10/2011
    John SparkNon Exec Director26/10/2011
    Bob AdamsCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    Keith De LacyNon Exec Chairman, Independent Director02/05/200126/10/2011
    Roger MarshallDeputy Chairman, Non Exec Director02/05/200126/10/2011
    Nicole HollowsManaging Director28/06/200726/10/2011
    Peter ForbesIndependent Director14/11/200326/10/2011
    Chen ZengNon Exec Director23/07/200726/10/2011
    Ken TalbotManaging Director, CEO02/05/200123/06/2008
    Donald NissenManaging Director, CEO02/05/200110/06/2008

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.