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ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)


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(updated at weekends)
2008 2009   ALL
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Computershare Melbourne
Yarra Falls, 452 Johnston Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
Address: Level 4 , 30 Collins Street , MELBOURNE , VIC, AUSTRALIA, 3000
Tel:  (03) 9660 4555 Fax: (03) 9639 1440

Date first listed: 11/04/2007

Sector: Real Estate
Industry Group: XFJ
Activities: Investment in Asian real estate securities

delisted after the final payment of $0.006 per unit (paid to unitholders on 15 April 2009) and the cancellation of all units in the Fund effective from close of trading on 15 April 2009


an aggregate of 50,000,010 options issued in the Fund lapsed with effect from 31 March 2009 - as previously announced, a final distribution will be paid to unitholders and the Fund will be removed from the Australian Securities Exchange on 15 April 2009


announces that all the remaining securities in the Fund have now been sold. As a result, the Responsible Entity is in a position to make a final payment of $0.006 per unit. This payment includes capital, interest and other income and will be paid on 15 April 2009


the Responsible Entity is seeking to sell the remaining securities in the Fund. In order to ensure these securities are sold in an orderly fashion that realises the best possible value for unitholders, this will now result in a final distribution being made to unitholders on or around 30 April 2009


as part of the liquidation of the Fund, unitholders were paid $0.238 per unit on 27 February 2009, which represented approximately 96% of the Net Asset Value of the Fund


since the last portfolio update of 17 December 2008, the Responsible Entity has continued to sell underlying investments as part of the liquidation of the portfolio - this has reduced the weighting of securities from 49% to 4% of the Fund and increased the cash holding from 51% to 96% - the Responsible Entity anticipates selling the remaining securities by the end of February 2009


releases an update - as the Fund was terminated on 28 November 2008, the Responsible Entity is currently divesting the remaining securities


announces Net Tangible Asset Backing


provides a portfolio update


Clause 33.1 of the Constitution provides that the Fund will be wound up on 28 November 2008 if, during the period from 1 September 2008 to 23 November 2008 (Period), the volume weighted average price of Units on the last trading day of each week during the Period is not at least 95% of the net tangible asset backing of the Fund's assets as at the close of trade on the last trading day of each week during the Period for at least 3 consecutive weeks during the Period (Condition). Based on the above figures, that Condition is now satisfied and the Fund will now be terminated on 28 November 2008. In consultation with the ASX, the Responsible Entity considers it appropriate that the Units and Options be suspended from quotation with effect from close of trading on Friday 14 November 2008. The Fund will be removed from the official list of the ASX shortly after 28 November 2008 and once all Fund securities have been liquidated

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)


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    Directors & Executives (current)
    Richard HaddockNon Exec Chairman
    Craig DunstanManaging Director
    Simon GrantCEO
    Grant EarneyCFO
    Phillip AndersonNon Exec Director
    Hugh GurnerNon Exec Director
    Jane TongsDirector
    Geoff CoffeyDirector
    Sarah ChristensenCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.