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Our website ranking of NUS: rating 2
(2 out of 5)


Computershare Melbourne
Yarra Falls, 452 Johnston Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
ISIN: AU000000NUS6
Address: C/- Leydin Freyer Level 4, 100 Albert Road, South Melbourne Vic 3205 Australia
Tel:  +61 3 9692 7222 Fax: +61 3 9077 9233

Date first listed: 02/08/2017

Sector: Materials
Activities: Mining and mineral exploration

delisted at entity's request under Listing Rule 17.11


we understand PT Indika Mineral Investindo, a wholly owned subsidiary of PT Indika Energy Tbk, acquired all of the issued shares in NUS for the Scheme Consideration of $0.35 for each NUS share


The scheme of arrangement has today been implemented. The Scheme Consideration of $0.35 for each NUS share held on the Record Date (being 7:00pm (AEST) on 29 September 2021) has been paid to shareholders today.


The securities of Nusantara Resources Limited will be suspended from quotation at the close of trading today, Friday, 24 September 2021, in accordance with Listing Rule 17.2, following lodgement of the Supreme Court of Western Australia orders with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission approving the scheme of arrangement by which PT Indika Mineral Investindo, a wholly owned subsidiary of PT Indika Energy Tbk, will acquire all of the issued shares in NUS.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Nusantara Resources Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by NUS of an announcement regarding its capital raising.


Following the completion of a Definitive Feasibility Study, Nusantara has achieved another milestone, securing a strategic Indonesian cornerstone investor with funds raised to help advance the Awak Mas Gold Project. On completion of a A$10.25 million capital raising, PT Indika Energy Tbk through its wholly owned subsidiary PT Indika Minerals Investindo, will obtain a 19.9% interest in Nusantara and existing shareholder, AustralianSuper Pty Ltd, will raise their shareholding to 14.0%.


The securities of Nusantara Resources Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of NUS, pending the release of an announcement regarding the finalisation of a proposed strategic capital raising.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Nusantara Resources Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release of an announcement by the Company regarding a capital raising.


The company announces a proposed non-renounceable entitlement issue to eligible shareholders on the basis of 5 shares for every 19 shares held at the record date at an issue price of A$0.20 per share to raise up to A$5.1 million. For every 2 shares subscribed for, eligible shareholders will receive 1 attaching option1 exercisable at A$0.30 on or before 5:00pm (WST) 31 July 2021. This entitlement issue will advance the Awak Mas Gold project. The funds raised will support the definitive feasibility study, ongoing exploration and strategic partner process.


The securities of Nusantara Resources Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement regarding the finalisation of a proposed capital raising.


listed entity carried for record purposes only

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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    07/09/2020Craig Smyth75,000$0.299$22,407
    07/09/2020Robin Widdup75,000$0.299$22,407
    20/08/2020Craig Smyth75,000$0.343$25,750
    20/08/2020Robin Widdup75,000$0.343$25,750
    17/07/2020Kamen Palatov50,000$0.290$14,500

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)
    Martin PyleNon Exec Chairman03/02/2017
    Greg FoulisNon Exec Chairman29/03/2018
    Neil WhitakerManaging Director, CEO26/08/2019
    Matthew DoubeCFO29/09/2020
    Craig SmythCFO02/08/2017
    Kamen PalatovNon Exec Director31/12/2018
    Rob HogarthNon Exec Director17/02/2017
    Richard NessNon Exec Director14/12/2018
    Robin WiddupNon Exec Director28/02/2018

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    Derek HumphryCFO20/02/201830/09/2020
    Boyke AbidinExecutive Director11/04/201710/07/2020
    Mike SpreadboroughManaging Director, CEO16/02/201701/05/2019

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.