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some former policy holders in this company have unclaimed money due to them - deListed provides a tracing service for a small administration fee that identifies where people can find unclaimed monies from many different sources including life policies, compulsory acquisitions of shares, dividend distributions, super contributions, inoperative bank, building society or credit union accounts, bequests - please click here for access to our Lost shares, Lost money?? service

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24/04/2020 07:08:36

Please advise if you can assist with receiving a payment that is due from Prudential UK. Basically they will not release payment without a UK registered FCA financial adviser completing an \"Appropriate Advice Declaration\" form. Seeing as I have resided in Australia for 35 years I am finding that this is impractical. Any information or advice you can provide would be extremely appreciated.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Len Henry

23/04/2020 20:29:44

?I have recently found documentation of a superannuation fund that I rolled over into Prudential in 1993 is there any way that I can re claim this money now?

06/12/2015 10:03:33
How can prudential be contacted in australia or overseas as there is a policy that matured the year they delisted in australia in 2008. Were they taken over by another company or are funds held by  a securities commission?21/10/2014 21:55:45
trying to track down policies a220870 and 220870 taken out on 22/9/1993 by my grand father micheal silva for me Ebony Jayne Silva. I have copies of the polices and not sure if they are still valid. I would like to cash them in as i will be turning 21 on 17/4/2014. please contact me at
31/03/2014 10:17:38
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