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Perpetual Trustee Company Ltd
Level 7, 9 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Tel : +61 2 9229 9000

Company details
Address: AB Management Pty Limited, The Bendigo Centre, Bendigo, Vic, AUSTRALIA, 3550
Tel:  (08) 8300 6422 Fax: (08) 8300 6499

Date first listed: 17/09/2004

Sector: N/A

delisted following redemption of all remaining notes of the Trust


we understand the Series 2004-2(W) TORRENS Trust Class A-1 Mortgage Backed Floating Rate Notes maturing 18 July 2037, Class A-2 Mortgage Backed Floating Rate Notes maturing 18 July 2037 and Class B Mortgage Backed Floating Rate Notes maturing 18 July 2037 were delisted following the full redemption of the Notes on 20 May 2013. Security Codes: TRRHA, TRRHB and TRRHC


The Series 2004-2(W) TORRENS Trust Class A-1 Mortgage Backed Floating Rate Notes maturing 18 July 2037, Class A-2 Mortgage Backed Floating Rate Notes maturing 18 July 2037 and Class B Mortgage Backed Floating Rate Notes maturing 18 July 2037 (the "Notes") will be suspended from quotation at the close of business today Thursday, 18 July 2013, in accordance with listing rule 17.2, following the full redemption of the Notes on 20 May 2013. Security Codes: TRRHA TRRHB TRRHC

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    Directors & Executives (current)
    Robert JohansonChairman
    Michael HirstManaging Director
    Richard FennellCFO
    Terry O'DwyerNon Exec Director
    Kevin AbrahamsonNon Exec Director
    Deborah RadfordNon Exec Director
    Jennifer DawsonNon Exec Director
    David MatthewsNon Exec Director
    Tony RobinsonNon Exec Director
    James HazelNon Exec Director
    William RaynerInvestor Relations
    David OatawayCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

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