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Our website ranking of AXA: rating 5
(5 out of 5)


Computershare Melbourne
Yarra Falls, 452 Johnston Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
Address: 447 Collins Street , MELBOURNE , VIC, AUSTRALIA, 3000
Tel:  03 9287 3333 Fax: 03 9616 3445

Date first listed: 01/10/1996

Sector: Insurance
Industry Group: XFJ
Activities: Financial services company mainly involved in financial protection and wealth management products and services

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we understand AXA Asia Pacific Holdings Ltd (AXA) minority shareholders received the equivalent of $6.431 per share for the merger of AXA APH's Australian and New Zealand businesses with AMP Ltd (AMP) and the sale of the Asian businesses to AXA SA - the final consideration comprised 0.73 AMP shares for each AXA APH share and $2.5464 cash. AXA APH minority shareholders also received AXA APH's 2010 final dividend of 9.25c a share (post-scheme AMP VWAP was $5.32, based on trading in AMP shares over the 10 trading days up to and including Tuesday March 22) - trading of the new AMP shares commenced today under the ASX code 'AMP'


delisted following implementation of the scheme of arrangement


the scheme of arrangement (Scheme) in relation to the acquisition of AXA APH by AMP Limited (AMP) and AXA SA has been implemented today. All shares in AXA APH have now been transferred to AMP. An application has been made to remove AXA APH (ASX: AXA) from the official list of the ASX. It is expected that AXA APH will be delisted from the ASX at the close of trade on 31 March 2011


AMP Group Finance Services Limited has launched a A$600m floating rate subordinated exchangeable note issuance. The notes will have a maturity date of 26 March 2021 unless redeemed or exchanged earlier and are guaranteed on a subordinated basis by AMP Group Holdings Limited. The net proceeds of the issue of the notes will be used by the AMP Group to partially fund the merger of AMP Limited and AXA Asia Pacific Holdings Limited's Australian and New Zealand businesses. The notes will qualify as Lower Tier 2 capital for APRA purposes. The notes will be issued at 250 basis points over the 3 month Bank Bill Swap Rate and will be offered for sale to institutional investors. AXA SA has agreed that it (or its subsidiaries) will purchase the notes to the extent that notes are not allocated to other investors


as indicated in the Explanatory Memorandum lodged with the ASX on 17 January 2011, AXA Asia Pacific Holdings Limited (AXA APH) confirms that the Post Scheme AMP VWAP1 will be announced on Wednesday, 23 March 2011. That announcement will be made after close of trading on Wednesday, 23 March 2011. The Post Scheme AMP VWAP will be based on trading in AMP shares over the 10 trading days up to and including Tuesday, 22 March 2011 and will be used to determine the cash component of the share scheme consideration


UBS Nominees Pty Ltd bought, sold and returned AXA Asia Pacific Holdings Ltd shares on March 9, 2011, decreasing from 103,424,779 shares (5.00%) to below 5%, ceasing to be a substantial shareholder


the securities of AXA Asia Pacific Holdings Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation at the close of trade today, 8 March 2011, at the request of the Company, following lodgement with the Australian Securities & Investments Commission of the Court orders approving the scheme of arrangement between the Company and its minority shareholders, under which AMP Limited will acquire the shares held by minority shareholders


we understand that on or about this date the company undertook, proposed to undertake or was the subject of the following corporate action: - merger with AMP - this corporate event may appear elsewhere in this company record


name changed from National Mutual Holdings Limited

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)


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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    02/06/2009Richard AllertOn market10,000$3.850$38,500
    27/05/2009Tony FroggattOn market8,000$3.924$31,390
    26/02/2009Paul SampsonOn market7,626$3.258$24,842
    15/05/2008Patty AkopiantzOn market3,500$5.860$20,510
    11/05/2007Andrew PennOn market276,000$7.490$2,067,240

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)
    Richard AllertChairman
    Arthur OwenCEO, Executive Director
    Geoff RobertsCFO
    Tony FroggattNon Exec Director
    Paul SampsonNon Exec Director
    Patty AkopiantzDirector
    Lin XizhongDirector
    Robin DaviesDirector
    Michael ButlerDirector
    Bruno JantetDirector
    Paul CooperDirector
    Milena PencaGeneral Counsel
    Kevin William KeenanCompany Secretary
    Rania TannousCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    Andrew PennExecutive Director, CEO01/10/200629/03/2011

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.