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20 September 2024
Date of Listing: | 05 November 1987 | ||||||
Date of Delisting: | 01 September 2015 | ||||||
Former Names: |
Stock Exchange Status:
This entity was delisted from the Australian Securities Exchange on 01 September 2015.Legal Status:
ACN: 010 536 820
Deregistration Date: 26 March 2023
Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
This entity was deregistered on 26 March 2023. Deregistration is a Capital Gains Tax Event. In our opinion you are entitled to crystallise any capital loss in the tax year that deregistration occurs providing you have not previously done so. If you did not crystallise your loss in the tax year the entity was deregistered, you may seek to re-open that year’s assessment but anyway should seek professional advice as to how best to proceed.
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Boardroom Pty Ltd
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company is deregistered today | 26/03/2023 |
a loss declaration has been issued and the capital loss can therefore be claimed in the financial year the declaration is issued - in this case 2016/17 | 03/05/2017 |
liquidator appointed | 28/10/2016 |
subsequent to its delisting the company appoints (as of today) administrators and receivers | 17/06/2016 |
delisted from the close of trading on Monday, 31 August 2015 the company was removed from the Official List pursuant to Listing rule 17.15 | 01/09/2015 |
we understand this entity did not pay its listing fees, usually a sign of company failure | 01/09/2015 |
The following entity (Compass Resources Limited) has not paid their annual listing fees in respect of the year ending 30 June 2016 but the securities are already suspended from official quotation. Under listing rule 17.15, any entity that has not paid its annual listing fees as required by listing rule 16.5 by 5.00 pm AEST on Monday 31 August 2015 will be removed from the official list with effect from the close of trading on Monday 31 August 2015 | 25/08/2015 |
Compass Resources Ltd (ASX: CMR) advises it intends to withdraw the Resolution 6 "“ Election of Mr Paul Young as a Director, from consideration at the AGM called for 1st September, 2015, as Mr Young has determined not to put himself up for election to the Board of the Company. | 13/08/2015 |
The Company's 2015 Annual General Meeting will be held on 1 September 2015 in Darwin. | 03/08/2015 |
The company lodges its annual report for the year ended 31 December 2014. | 16/07/2015 |
The company lodges its financial statements for the half-year ended 30 June 2014. | 16/07/2015 |
Compass announces that a full restructure has now been agreed by all Compass's major stakeholders. This follows an agreement to recapitalise Compass which has been reached with Cove House Illiquid Investments Limited. | 14/07/2015 |
Compass Resources Limited (CMR or the Company) advises that HNC (Australia) Exploration and Mining Pty Ltd (Operator) has issued three Shortfall Notices to the Company and HNC (Australia) Resources Pty Ltd (HAR) (the Company's Joint Venture partner for the Browns Project), notifying the parties that CMR has failed to pay cash calls pursuant to three joint venture agreements governing the Company's interest in the Browns Project in the Northern Territory, and requesting that HAR pay the shortfall amounts. The Operator has provided the Shortfall Notices to ensure it can continue to meet expected joint venture expenditure. The total amount sought pursuant to the Shortfall Notices is approximately $115,000 | 19/05/2015 |
announces the implementation of a comprehensive restructure and recapitalisation of the Company with the intention to relist on ASX later this year | 24/02/2015 |
releases Full Year Statutory Accounts | 11/04/2014 |
releases Half Yearly Report and Accounts | 25/09/2013 |
The company has not paid its annual fees in respect of the year ending 30 June 2014 but are already suspended from official quotation. In accordance with listing rule 16.5, entities that pay their annual listing fees on or after 23 August 2013must pay by bank cheque only. Under listing rule 17.15, any entity that has not paid its annual listing fees as required by listing rule 16.5 by 5.00 pm EST on Thursday 29 August 2013 will be removed from the official list with effect from the close of trading on Thursday 29 August 2013. | 23/08/2013 |
releases Full Year Statutory Accounts to 30 June 2012 | 24/06/2013 |
releases Half-Year Report and Accounts - 30 June 2012 | 20/11/2012 |
releases Full Year Statutory Accounts to 31 Dec 2011 | 09/11/2012 |
shareholders should direct queries in relation to the Company's affairs directly to the Acting Company Secretary, Tom Bloomfield from Boardroom Limited at | 30/10/2012 |
for background see here | 29/10/2012 |
The Company has received a Statement of Claim on behalf of a number of shareholder plaintiffs. The claim relates to the rejection of the proofs of debt that certain shareholders submitted to the Trustees of the Creditors' Trust that was created upon the effectuation of the Deed of Company Arrangement in respect of the Company. The Statement of Claim was filed in the Supreme Court of New South Wales on 25 January 2012. Martin Jones and Darren Weaver in their capacities as joint and several Trustees of the Creditors' Trust are also named defendants in the Statement of Claim. The Company is considering the Statement of Claim and will keep the market informed of further developments | 07/02/2012 |
Michael West's report in yesterday's SMH is well worth reading | 01/02/2012 |
releases updated accounts for 6 months to 30 June 2011 | 23/12/2011 |
after the successful completion of the DOCA, the administration and receivership of CMR has ended and control of the company's affairs has passed to the new CMR board | 15/11/2011 |
releases interim financial statements to 30 June 2011 | 01/11/2011 |
deed administrators provide another recapitalisation update - there is progress and indications that the DOCA should be effectuated shortly | 18/10/2011 |
deed administrators provide a recapitalisation update - the process is moving forward, albeit slowly | 19/09/2011 |
at the General Meeting of shareholders held on 18 August 2011, all resolutions were considered on the basis of a poll, the outcome of which was each resolution being declared carried | 22/08/2011 |
the Deed Administrators will work with YA over the weeks ahead with a view to the satisfaction of the remaining conditions precedent to completion of the DOCA and to the recapitalisation of CMR | 22/08/2011 |
releases an EGM update and Presentation | 17/08/2011 |
deed administrators circulate a letter to shareholders among other things drawing attention to one key issue, namely an error in the Notice at sections 2.7 and 2.9 which refers to Other Shareholders potentially being diluted to 4.48%. The independent expert provides the correct dilution outcomes in his report - namely 8.67% for external Other Shareholders down from 9.67% (which combines with the HNC holding of 0.43% to get to the 10.1%) | 08/08/2011 |
an extraordinary general meeting of Shareholders of the Company is to be held as follows: Venue: The Lyceum Room, The Wesley Conference Centre, 220 Pitt Street, Sydney, NSW 2000. Time: 9.30 a.m. (AEST) Date: Thursday 18 August 2011 - Shareholders are being asked to approve a Proposal to recapitalise the Company, pursuant to which YA Global and Coffee House (and potentially HNC) will convert their existing debt to equity - If the Proposal is not approved, and the Sale of Assets is completed, the Company will pass into liquidation. Based upon their current understanding of its assets, in a liquidation of Compass, YA Global considers that no value is likely to be available for existing Shareholders and the return to Shareholders is likely to be nil | 19/07/2011 |
Thomson Resources Ltd (ASX: TMZ) announces the completion of its first hole (CUTBD02) as part of an ambitious drilling program to test its Cobar-type base and precious metal targets in the Thomson Fold Belt of northwestern NSW - the geology is very similar to that encountered in a hole drilled 110 metres to the north in 2006 by Compass Resources | 30/06/2011 |
PlatSearch NL advises that it has signed a binding Heads of Agreement with Raptor Minerals Limited ("Raptor") (a subsidiary of Compass Resources Limited [Subject to Deed of Company Arrangement - Receivers and Managers Appointed]) to establish a new joint venture to explore the area to the west of Alkane's Wyoming/Caloma gold deposits, in central NSW. The joint venture consolidates a strong tenement position over a sizable prospective area of 321 square kilometres. PlatSearch may earn up to an 80% interest in the joint venture through the expenditure of $500,000 over 2.5 years | 30/03/2011 |
regarding our note of 04/01/2011 immediately below, the administrators report there has been some delays with the process - at the earliest, they expect the Notice of Meeting to be available in the first week of March 2011 | 14/02/2011 |
administrator reports that YA has put forward a Revised DOCA Proposal which was accepted by CMR creditors on 23 December 2010 - under the YA Revised DOCA, assuming the various conditions precedent are satisfied or waived and CMR is restructured in accordance with the YA Revised DOCA, the existing CMR shareholders will retain approximately a 5% interest in CMR plus they will have the potential to receive options to acquire CMR shares - an Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders is likely to be held in late February 2011 with a view to satisfying the condition precedent under the YA Revised DOCA which requires CMR shareholders' approval for the issue of shares for the purpose of recapitalisation - in this regard, shareholders may expect to receive a Notice of Meeting in respect to the EGM and YA Revised DOCA Proposal in late January 2011 | 04/01/2011 |
administrator reports on the arbitration outcome, officers, staffing and proposed recapitalisation | 29/11/2010 |
administrator reports that the outcome of the arbitration matter is being debated and not available on the public record - this and other matters will be covered in an update by 31 October | 06/10/2010 |
at the General Meeting of shareholders held on 17 June 2010, the first resolution (to approve the issue of shares to YA) failed. Accordingly, the other resolutions were not put to the meeting, given their dependence upon the passing of the first mentioned resolution. One of the consequences of the resolutions not being passed is that one of the conditions precedent under the deed of company arrangement for CMR proposed by YA (YA Global DOCA) has failed. Therefore, unless YA proposes a variation to the YA Global DOCA and that variation is approved by the creditors of CMR, CMR will fall into liquidation on 6 July 2010 | 22/06/2010 |
an extraordinary general meeting of Shareholders of the Company is to be held as follows: Venue: The North Shore Room, Mantra Hotel, 10 Brown Street, Chatswood, Sydney NSW, 2067 Time: 9.30 a.m. (AEST) Date: 17 June 2010 - Shareholders are being asked to approve a Proposal to recapitalise the Company, pursuant to which YA Global and Coffee House will convert their existing debt to equity. The consequence of this conversion will be the dilution of existing Shareholders' interest in the Company to approximately five percent (5%) of the Company's equity following implementation of the Proposal | 14/05/2010 |
CMR was granted relief in respect to reporting obligations in relation to the following financial years and half-years: 1. The financial year ended 31 December 2009; and 2. Each financial year, and each half-year, ending after 1 January 2010, and before the earlier of: a. 2 years from the date of the execution of the Deed of Company Arrangement; and b. the termination of the Deed of Company Arrangement | 09/04/2010 |
the CMR Deed Administrators have exercised the discretion bestowed upon them to extend YA Global's exclusivity period for 80 days, taking same to 25 June 2010 | 09/04/2010 |
Thomson Resources advises of the signing of four Joint Ventures (JVs) with Raptor Minerals Limited ACN 101 168 343 ("Raptor") (a subsidiary of Compass Resources Limited ACN 010 536 820) over a number of projects within the Thomson Fold Belt of northern NSW | 03/03/2010 |
major CMR creditor, YA Global proposes a variation to the DOCA and this is accepted by CMR creditors | 06/01/2010 |
deed administrator releases minutes of a creditors meeting held on 30 April 2009 | 15/06/2009 |
the administrators respond to ASX queries regarding events surrounding the appointment of the administrators | 17/02/2009 |
Keiran Hutchison, Philip Campbell-Wilson and Chris Munday of Ernst & Young are appointed receivers and managers | 17/02/2009 |
the securities of Compass Resources Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately following the appointment of joint and several voluntary administrators (Messrs Steven John Sherman, Darren Gordon Weaver and Martin Bruce Jones of Ferrier Hodgson) | 29/01/2009 |
name changed from Compass Resources NL | 11/08/2008 |
company is deregistered today | 26/03/2023 |
a loss declaration has been issued and the capital loss can therefore be claimed in the financial year the declaration is issued - in this case 2016/17 | 03/05/2017 |
liquidator appointed | 28/10/2016 |
subsequent to its delisting the company appoints (as of today) administrators and receivers | 17/06/2016 |
delisted from the close of trading on Monday, 31 August 2015 the company was removed from the Official List pursuant to Listing rule 17.15 | 01/09/2015 |
we understand this entity did not pay its listing fees, usually a sign of company failure | 01/09/2015 |
The following entity (Compass Resources Limited) has not paid their annual listing fees in respect of the year ending 30 June 2016 but the securities are already suspended from official quotation. Under listing rule 17.15, any entity that has not paid its annual listing fees as required by listing rule 16.5 by 5.00 pm AEST on Monday 31 August 2015 will be removed from the official list with effect from the close of trading on Monday 31 August 2015 | 25/08/2015 |
Compass Resources Ltd (ASX: CMR) advises it intends to withdraw the Resolution 6 "“ Election of Mr Paul Young as a Director, from consideration at the AGM called for 1st September, 2015, as Mr Young has determined not to put himself up for election to the Board of the Company. | 13/08/2015 |
The Company's 2015 Annual General Meeting will be held on 1 September 2015 in Darwin. | 03/08/2015 |
The company lodges its annual report for the year ended 31 December 2014. | 16/07/2015 |
The company lodges its financial statements for the half-year ended 30 June 2014. | 16/07/2015 |
Compass announces that a full restructure has now been agreed by all Compass's major stakeholders. This follows an agreement to recapitalise Compass which has been reached with Cove House Illiquid Investments Limited. | 14/07/2015 |
Compass Resources Limited (CMR or the Company) advises that HNC (Australia) Exploration and Mining Pty Ltd (Operator) has issued three Shortfall Notices to the Company and HNC (Australia) Resources Pty Ltd (HAR) (the Company's Joint Venture partner for the Browns Project), notifying the parties that CMR has failed to pay cash calls pursuant to three joint venture agreements governing the Company's interest in the Browns Project in the Northern Territory, and requesting that HAR pay the shortfall amounts. The Operator has provided the Shortfall Notices to ensure it can continue to meet expected joint venture expenditure. The total amount sought pursuant to the Shortfall Notices is approximately $115,000 | 19/05/2015 |
announces the implementation of a comprehensive restructure and recapitalisation of the Company with the intention to relist on ASX later this year | 24/02/2015 |
releases Full Year Statutory Accounts | 11/04/2014 |
releases Half Yearly Report and Accounts | 25/09/2013 |
The company has not paid its annual fees in respect of the year ending 30 June 2014 but are already suspended from official quotation. In accordance with listing rule 16.5, entities that pay their annual listing fees on or after 23 August 2013must pay by bank cheque only. Under listing rule 17.15, any entity that has not paid its annual listing fees as required by listing rule 16.5 by 5.00 pm EST on Thursday 29 August 2013 will be removed from the official list with effect from the close of trading on Thursday 29 August 2013. | 23/08/2013 |
releases Full Year Statutory Accounts to 30 June 2012 | 24/06/2013 |
releases Half-Year Report and Accounts - 30 June 2012 | 20/11/2012 |
releases Full Year Statutory Accounts to 31 Dec 2011 | 09/11/2012 |
shareholders should direct queries in relation to the Company's affairs directly to the Acting Company Secretary, Tom Bloomfield from Boardroom Limited at | 30/10/2012 |
for background see here | 29/10/2012 |
The Company has received a Statement of Claim on behalf of a number of shareholder plaintiffs. The claim relates to the rejection of the proofs of debt that certain shareholders submitted to the Trustees of the Creditors' Trust that was created upon the effectuation of the Deed of Company Arrangement in respect of the Company. The Statement of Claim was filed in the Supreme Court of New South Wales on 25 January 2012. Martin Jones and Darren Weaver in their capacities as joint and several Trustees of the Creditors' Trust are also named defendants in the Statement of Claim. The Company is considering the Statement of Claim and will keep the market informed of further developments | 07/02/2012 |
Michael West's report in yesterday's SMH is well worth reading | 01/02/2012 |
releases updated accounts for 6 months to 30 June 2011 | 23/12/2011 |
after the successful completion of the DOCA, the administration and receivership of CMR has ended and control of the company's affairs has passed to the new CMR board | 15/11/2011 |
releases interim financial statements to 30 June 2011 | 01/11/2011 |
deed administrators provide another recapitalisation update - there is progress and indications that the DOCA should be effectuated shortly | 18/10/2011 |
deed administrators provide a recapitalisation update - the process is moving forward, albeit slowly | 19/09/2011 |
at the General Meeting of shareholders held on 18 August 2011, all resolutions were considered on the basis of a poll, the outcome of which was each resolution being declared carried | 22/08/2011 |
the Deed Administrators will work with YA over the weeks ahead with a view to the satisfaction of the remaining conditions precedent to completion of the DOCA and to the recapitalisation of CMR | 22/08/2011 |
releases an EGM update and Presentation | 17/08/2011 |
deed administrators circulate a letter to shareholders among other things drawing attention to one key issue, namely an error in the Notice at sections 2.7 and 2.9 which refers to Other Shareholders potentially being diluted to 4.48%. The independent expert provides the correct dilution outcomes in his report - namely 8.67% for external Other Shareholders down from 9.67% (which combines with the HNC holding of 0.43% to get to the 10.1%) | 08/08/2011 |
an extraordinary general meeting of Shareholders of the Company is to be held as follows: Venue: The Lyceum Room, The Wesley Conference Centre, 220 Pitt Street, Sydney, NSW 2000. Time: 9.30 a.m. (AEST) Date: Thursday 18 August 2011 - Shareholders are being asked to approve a Proposal to recapitalise the Company, pursuant to which YA Global and Coffee House (and potentially HNC) will convert their existing debt to equity - If the Proposal is not approved, and the Sale of Assets is completed, the Company will pass into liquidation. Based upon their current understanding of its assets, in a liquidation of Compass, YA Global considers that no value is likely to be available for existing Shareholders and the return to Shareholders is likely to be nil | 19/07/2011 |
Thomson Resources Ltd (ASX: TMZ) announces the completion of its first hole (CUTBD02) as part of an ambitious drilling program to test its Cobar-type base and precious metal targets in the Thomson Fold Belt of northwestern NSW - the geology is very similar to that encountered in a hole drilled 110 metres to the north in 2006 by Compass Resources | 30/06/2011 |
PlatSearch NL advises that it has signed a binding Heads of Agreement with Raptor Minerals Limited ("Raptor") (a subsidiary of Compass Resources Limited [Subject to Deed of Company Arrangement - Receivers and Managers Appointed]) to establish a new joint venture to explore the area to the west of Alkane's Wyoming/Caloma gold deposits, in central NSW. The joint venture consolidates a strong tenement position over a sizable prospective area of 321 square kilometres. PlatSearch may earn up to an 80% interest in the joint venture through the expenditure of $500,000 over 2.5 years | 30/03/2011 |
regarding our note of 04/01/2011 immediately below, the administrators report there has been some delays with the process - at the earliest, they expect the Notice of Meeting to be available in the first week of March 2011 | 14/02/2011 |
administrator reports that YA has put forward a Revised DOCA Proposal which was accepted by CMR creditors on 23 December 2010 - under the YA Revised DOCA, assuming the various conditions precedent are satisfied or waived and CMR is restructured in accordance with the YA Revised DOCA, the existing CMR shareholders will retain approximately a 5% interest in CMR plus they will have the potential to receive options to acquire CMR shares - an Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders is likely to be held in late February 2011 with a view to satisfying the condition precedent under the YA Revised DOCA which requires CMR shareholders' approval for the issue of shares for the purpose of recapitalisation - in this regard, shareholders may expect to receive a Notice of Meeting in respect to the EGM and YA Revised DOCA Proposal in late January 2011 | 04/01/2011 |
administrator reports on the arbitration outcome, officers, staffing and proposed recapitalisation | 29/11/2010 |
administrator reports that the outcome of the arbitration matter is being debated and not available on the public record - this and other matters will be covered in an update by 31 October | 06/10/2010 |
at the General Meeting of shareholders held on 17 June 2010, the first resolution (to approve the issue of shares to YA) failed. Accordingly, the other resolutions were not put to the meeting, given their dependence upon the passing of the first mentioned resolution. One of the consequences of the resolutions not being passed is that one of the conditions precedent under the deed of company arrangement for CMR proposed by YA (YA Global DOCA) has failed. Therefore, unless YA proposes a variation to the YA Global DOCA and that variation is approved by the creditors of CMR, CMR will fall into liquidation on 6 July 2010 | 22/06/2010 |
an extraordinary general meeting of Shareholders of the Company is to be held as follows: Venue: The North Shore Room, Mantra Hotel, 10 Brown Street, Chatswood, Sydney NSW, 2067 Time: 9.30 a.m. (AEST) Date: 17 June 2010 - Shareholders are being asked to approve a Proposal to recapitalise the Company, pursuant to which YA Global and Coffee House will convert their existing debt to equity. The consequence of this conversion will be the dilution of existing Shareholders' interest in the Company to approximately five percent (5%) of the Company's equity following implementation of the Proposal | 14/05/2010 |
CMR was granted relief in respect to reporting obligations in relation to the following financial years and half-years: 1. The financial year ended 31 December 2009; and 2. Each financial year, and each half-year, ending after 1 January 2010, and before the earlier of: a. 2 years from the date of the execution of the Deed of Company Arrangement; and b. the termination of the Deed of Company Arrangement | 09/04/2010 |
the CMR Deed Administrators have exercised the discretion bestowed upon them to extend YA Global's exclusivity period for 80 days, taking same to 25 June 2010 | 09/04/2010 |
Thomson Resources advises of the signing of four Joint Ventures (JVs) with Raptor Minerals Limited ACN 101 168 343 ("Raptor") (a subsidiary of Compass Resources Limited ACN 010 536 820) over a number of projects within the Thomson Fold Belt of northern NSW | 03/03/2010 |
major CMR creditor, YA Global proposes a variation to the DOCA and this is accepted by CMR creditors | 06/01/2010 |
deed administrator releases minutes of a creditors meeting held on 30 April 2009 | 15/06/2009 |
the administrators respond to ASX queries regarding events surrounding the appointment of the administrators | 17/02/2009 |
Keiran Hutchison, Philip Campbell-Wilson and Chris Munday of Ernst & Young are appointed receivers and managers | 17/02/2009 |
the securities of Compass Resources Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately following the appointment of joint and several voluntary administrators (Messrs Steven John Sherman, Darren Gordon Weaver and Martin Bruce Jones of Ferrier Hodgson) | 29/01/2009 |
name changed from Compass Resources NL | 11/08/2008 |
Your browser may reflect a date of printing in American format.
?what was the outcome of AGM meeting in Darwin? | 02/09/2015 16:25:05 |
The same crooks that helped to sink the company have their snouts in the trough! Vote down their proposed restructure and allow the company to be finally laid to rest. | 04/08/2015 11:58:56 |
Please do the right thing and liquidate the company and distribute any residues to shareholders. | 21/02/2015 09:25:22 |
Geeeeezus.Do we right down our alleged shares we once held in this company or what? Can we claim them as a tax loss in there current suspended status. | 16/12/2014 22:41:31 |
Who is heading this circus? Should have done well during the mining boom -but some inept leadership saw it go nowhere...disappointing. | 06/10/2014 16:24:50 |
Does anybody know what is happening re. with Compass? Has become a joke the time it has been suspended. | 29/09/2014 14:42:56 |
They are in dispute with the ASX over relisting payments. CMR believe they should not have to pay the relisting fee's. | 28/06/2013 08:18:17 |
Does anybody know what is going on with this company? Trying to find out any information what is happening ends up in a never ending circle leading to nothing?! | 31/12/2012 17:42:04 |
John Allen | Deputy Chairman, Company Secretary | 28/06/2012 |
James Carr | Non Exec Director | 15/11/2011 |
Timothy Morrison | Non Exec Director | 08/10/2014 |
David Gonzalez | Director | 15/11/2011 |
Mark Angelo | Director | 15/11/2011 |
Gerald Eicke | Director | 15/11/2011 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Philip Wood | Executive Director, CEO | 28/06/2012 | 24/10/2014 |
Richard Swann | Managing Director | 09/10/2006 | 29/06/2012 |
Neil Guest | CFO | 01/12/2007 | 13/01/2012 |
Gordon Toll | Chairman | 01/07/2001 | 10/06/2010 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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