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10 September 2024
Name: | EUMERALLA RESOURCES LIMITED (EUM) (This company subsequently changed its name and is now TOMBOLA GOLD LTD. You should refer to that name for Status.) | |||||||||
Date of Listing: | 03 May 2012 | |||||||||
Subsequent Names: |
Stock Exchange Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now TOMBOLA GOLD LTD. You should refer to that name for Stock Exchange Status.Legal Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now TOMBOLA GOLD LTD. You should refer to that name for Legal Status.Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now TOMBOLA GOLD LTD. You should refer to that name for Capital Gains Tax Status.
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Company | FROM | TO |
TOMBOLA GOLD LTD | 31/05/2021 | |
AUSMEX MINING GROUP LIMITED | 15/05/2017 | 31/05/2021 |
Automic Registry Pty Ltd
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name changed to Ausmex Mining Group Limited | 15/05/2017 |
The company has provided ASX-listed Queensland Mining Corporation Ltd (QMN) with a notice of exercise and notice to complete the First and Second Sale under the Cloncurry Option Agreement. | 10/05/2017 |
Ausmex Mining Group Limited (formerly Eumeralla Resources Limited) is pleased to announce it has completed its acquisition of 100% of the issued capital of Ausmex Mining Limited. The Company has completed its public share offer pursuant to its prospectus dated 16 March 2017 for the purpose of re-compliance with Chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules after having successfully raised the maximum amount of $6 million. | 09/05/2017 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report. | 28/04/2017 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report. | 28/04/2017 |
The company releases the Results of Meeting. | 22/04/2017 |
The company lodges a supplementary prospectus which supplements, and must be read together with, the prospectus dated 16 March 2017. | 21/04/2017 |
Eumeralla Resources Limited (to be re-named Ausmex Mining Group Ltd) is pleased to confirm that the public offer dated 16 March 2017, to raise up to $6 million at an issue price of $0.08 per share, is now closed. The offer was fully subscribed and the Company is extremely pleased by the strong and positive response to the offer. | 10/04/2017 |
The securities of Eumeralla Resources Limited will be suspended from official quotation immediately pending the outcome of a resolution at the Company's general meeting to approve a proposed change in the nature and scale of the Company's activities. The Company's securities will remain suspended from quotation pending compliance with Chapters 1 and 2 of the Listing Rules. | 22/03/2017 |
The company lodges a prospectus for the offer of up to 75 million shares at an issue price of $0.08 each to raise up to $6,000,000 (before costs) (public offer). | 16/03/2017 |
The independent expert has made several amendments to its report that accompanied the notice of meeting. | 09/03/2017 |
The independent expert's report that accompanied the notice of meeting included amongst the appendices to the IER a valuation of the company's Mongolian assets prepared by Lunda LLC. Due to regulatory concerns raised about the reliability of the Lunda Report, the Company has decided to retract the Lunda Report. | 09/03/2017 |
The company's General Meeting will be held at Level 4, 130 Stirling Street, Perth, Western Australia on 22 March 2017, commencing at 10.00am WST. | 17/02/2017 |
The company lodges its Half Year Accounts. | 17/02/2017 |
To facilitate the acquisition of Ausmex Mining Limited, the Company has applied for certain waivers and confirmations from ASX. The Company is pleased to announce that ASX has granted a waiver from ASX listing rules 1.1 (condition 12) and 2.1 (condition 2) to enable the Company to issue shares with an issue price, and options with an exercise price, of less than $0.20. | 10/02/2017 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report. | 31/01/2017 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report. | 31/01/2017 |
To facilitate the Acquisition and the Capital Raising, ASX has granted for waivers from ASX Listing Rules1.1 condition 11 and 2.1 condition 2. | 20/01/2017 |
Eumeralla Resources Limited is pleased to announce that, in accordance with the binding heads of agreement entered into by the Company and Ausmex Mining Limited on 5 December 2016, it has now executed a formal Share Sale Agreement with Ausmex's security holders. | 29/12/2016 |
The company made a correction to its announcement in respect to the proposed acquisition of Ausmex Mining Limited. Schedule 1 of that announcement included erroneous references to two incorrect entities. | 06/12/2016 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Eumeralla Resources Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Tuesday, 6 December 2016, following the release by the Company of an announcement regarding an acquisition to which Listing Rule 11.1.3 applies. | 05/12/2016 |
Eumeralla Resources Limited is pleased to announce it has entered into a binding heads of agreement in relation to the acquisition of all of the securities in unlisted Australian public company Ausmex Mining Limited. | 05/12/2016 |
Eumeralla Resources Limited requests an extension of the voluntary suspension of its securities, pending an announcement by the Company in respect to a proposed acquisition by the Company. The Company requests that the voluntary suspension remain in place until the Company makes an announcement to the market, which it expects to make pre-market on Tuesday, 6 December 2016. | 05/12/2016 |
The securities of Eumeralla Resources Limited will be suspended from official quotation from the commencement of trading today, Wednesday 30 November 2016, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. | 30/11/2016 |
listed entity carried for record purposes only | 03/05/2012 |
name changed to Ausmex Mining Group Limited | 15/05/2017 |
The company has provided ASX-listed Queensland Mining Corporation Ltd (QMN) with a notice of exercise and notice to complete the First and Second Sale under the Cloncurry Option Agreement. | 10/05/2017 |
Ausmex Mining Group Limited (formerly Eumeralla Resources Limited) is pleased to announce it has completed its acquisition of 100% of the issued capital of Ausmex Mining Limited. The Company has completed its public share offer pursuant to its prospectus dated 16 March 2017 for the purpose of re-compliance with Chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules after having successfully raised the maximum amount of $6 million. | 09/05/2017 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report. | 28/04/2017 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report. | 28/04/2017 |
The company releases the Results of Meeting. | 22/04/2017 |
The company lodges a supplementary prospectus which supplements, and must be read together with, the prospectus dated 16 March 2017. | 21/04/2017 |
Eumeralla Resources Limited (to be re-named Ausmex Mining Group Ltd) is pleased to confirm that the public offer dated 16 March 2017, to raise up to $6 million at an issue price of $0.08 per share, is now closed. The offer was fully subscribed and the Company is extremely pleased by the strong and positive response to the offer. | 10/04/2017 |
The securities of Eumeralla Resources Limited will be suspended from official quotation immediately pending the outcome of a resolution at the Company's general meeting to approve a proposed change in the nature and scale of the Company's activities. The Company's securities will remain suspended from quotation pending compliance with Chapters 1 and 2 of the Listing Rules. | 22/03/2017 |
The company lodges a prospectus for the offer of up to 75 million shares at an issue price of $0.08 each to raise up to $6,000,000 (before costs) (public offer). | 16/03/2017 |
The independent expert has made several amendments to its report that accompanied the notice of meeting. | 09/03/2017 |
The independent expert's report that accompanied the notice of meeting included amongst the appendices to the IER a valuation of the company's Mongolian assets prepared by Lunda LLC. Due to regulatory concerns raised about the reliability of the Lunda Report, the Company has decided to retract the Lunda Report. | 09/03/2017 |
The company's General Meeting will be held at Level 4, 130 Stirling Street, Perth, Western Australia on 22 March 2017, commencing at 10.00am WST. | 17/02/2017 |
The company lodges its Half Year Accounts. | 17/02/2017 |
To facilitate the acquisition of Ausmex Mining Limited, the Company has applied for certain waivers and confirmations from ASX. The Company is pleased to announce that ASX has granted a waiver from ASX listing rules 1.1 (condition 12) and 2.1 (condition 2) to enable the Company to issue shares with an issue price, and options with an exercise price, of less than $0.20. | 10/02/2017 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report. | 31/01/2017 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report. | 31/01/2017 |
To facilitate the Acquisition and the Capital Raising, ASX has granted for waivers from ASX Listing Rules1.1 condition 11 and 2.1 condition 2. | 20/01/2017 |
Eumeralla Resources Limited is pleased to announce that, in accordance with the binding heads of agreement entered into by the Company and Ausmex Mining Limited on 5 December 2016, it has now executed a formal Share Sale Agreement with Ausmex's security holders. | 29/12/2016 |
The company made a correction to its announcement in respect to the proposed acquisition of Ausmex Mining Limited. Schedule 1 of that announcement included erroneous references to two incorrect entities. | 06/12/2016 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Eumeralla Resources Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Tuesday, 6 December 2016, following the release by the Company of an announcement regarding an acquisition to which Listing Rule 11.1.3 applies. | 05/12/2016 |
Eumeralla Resources Limited is pleased to announce it has entered into a binding heads of agreement in relation to the acquisition of all of the securities in unlisted Australian public company Ausmex Mining Limited. | 05/12/2016 |
Eumeralla Resources Limited requests an extension of the voluntary suspension of its securities, pending an announcement by the Company in respect to a proposed acquisition by the Company. The Company requests that the voluntary suspension remain in place until the Company makes an announcement to the market, which it expects to make pre-market on Tuesday, 6 December 2016. | 05/12/2016 |
The securities of Eumeralla Resources Limited will be suspended from official quotation from the commencement of trading today, Wednesday 30 November 2016, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. | 30/11/2016 |
listed entity carried for record purposes only | 03/05/2012 |
Your browser may reflect a date of printing in American format.
11/05/2016 | James Hyndes | On market | 4,000,000 | $0.025 | $100,000 |
16/06/2015 | James Hyndes | On market | 250,000 | $0.038 | $9,500 |
19/06/2013 | James Hyndes | On market | 10,000 | $0.085 | $850 |
19/06/2013 | Michael Hynes | On market | 10,000 | $0.085 | $850 |
18/06/2013 | James Hyndes | On market | 140,748 | $0.090 | $12,667 |
Matthew Morgan | Managing Director | 09/05/2017 |
David Wheeler | Non Exec Director | 01/10/2014 |
Andrew Firek | Non Exec Director | 09/05/2017 |
Geoff Kidd | Non Exec Director | 09/05/2017 |
Tim Slate | Company Secretary | 21/05/2015 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Nicole Fernandes | Non Exec Director | 06/05/2016 | 09/05/2017 |
James Hyndes | Non Exec Director | 03/05/2012 | 09/05/2017 |
Jack James | Non Exec Director | 21/05/2015 | 06/05/2016 |
Michael Hynes | Executive Director, CEO | 03/05/2012 | 24/07/2015 |
Jack James | Non Exec Director | 03/05/2012 | 14/05/2015 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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