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11 September 2024
Name: | GO ENERGY GROUP LIMITED (GOE) | |||||||||
Date of Listing: | 15 December 2000 | |||||||||
Date of Delisting: | 15 March 2019 | |||||||||
Former Names: |
Stock Exchange Status:
This entity was delisted from the Australian Securities Exchange on 15 March 2019.Legal Status:
ACN: 084 656 691
Deregistration Date: 30 December 2020
Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
This entity was deregistered on 30 December 2020. Deregistration is a Capital Gains Tax Event. In our opinion you are entitled to crystallise any capital loss in the tax year that deregistration occurs providing you have not previously done so. If you did not crystallise your loss in the tax year the entity was deregistered, you may seek to re-open that year’s assessment but anyway should seek professional advice as to how best to proceed.
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Getting advice: Information provided in this section is of a general nature and applicable only to Australian tax residents who hold their investments on capital account (ie for long-term investment purposes). It has been prepared without taking into account your financial needs or tax situation. Before acting on the information, deListed suggests that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and recommends that you seek independent legal, financial, or taxation advice.
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Company | FROM | TO |
GO ENERGY GROUP LIMITED | 17/11/2015 | |
SOLCO LTD | 17/12/2004 | 17/11/2015 |
Computershare Perth
Level 17, 221 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
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this company deregistered today | 30/12/2020 |
delisted from the close of trading on 15 March 2019 pursuant to Listing rule 17.12. | 15/03/2019 |
we understand this company failed and has been placed into liquidation, there will be no return to shareholders | 15/03/2019 |
a loss declaration (see page 4 of the document) has been issued and the capital loss can therefore be claimed in the financial year the declaration is issued - in this case 2018/19 | 08/03/2019 |
At a meeting of creditors last 6 March 2019, it was resolved that the DOCA be terminated and the company be placed into liquidation on the same day. There are insufficient funds to enable a return to shareholders. | 06/03/2019 |
The company releases the deed administrator's report to creditors. | 21/02/2019 |
The administrator agreed in writing with the DOCA proponent for a further extension of the due date of the DOCAs from 1 February 2019 to 26 February 2019. | 12/02/2019 |
The administrator agreed with the DOCA proponent to further extend the due date of the DOCAs from 18 January 2019 to 1 February 2019. | 23/01/2019 |
The deed administrators provide an update to the shareholders. Agreement was made with the DOCA proponent for a further extension of the due date of the DOCAs from 4 January 2019 to 18 January 2019. | 14/01/2019 |
The general meeting of the company scheduled to be held on 20 December 2018 at 2.00pm AEST has been cancelled. The general meeting was principally called for shareholders to consider and approve resolutions in relation to a proposal for the recapitalisation of the company. The proposed recapitalisation will not proceed. The resolutions proposed at the general meeting are no longer required. The deed administrator has decided to cancel the general meeting. | 17/12/2018 |
Separate DOCAs for the following companies were executed on 15 November 2016: Go Energy Group Limited; GoEnergy Pty Limited; and Go Markets Environmental Trading Pty Limited. At the concurrent meeting of creditors on 19 November 2018, creditors approved a further extension of the due date of the DOCAs from 21 November 2018 to 4 January 2019 as well as the proposed variation of the DOCAs. | 21/11/2018 |
The company releases a notice of general meeting. The meeting will be held at Pitcher Partners, Level 22 MLC Centre, 19 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000, on Thursday, 20 December 2018 at 2.00pm (AEST). | 21/11/2018 |
The company releases the Deed Administrator's Report to Creditors. | 09/11/2018 |
Separate DOCAs for the following companies were executed on 15 November 2016: Go Energy Group Limited; GoEnergy Pty Limited; and Go Markets Environmental Trading Pty Limited. The administrator agrees with the DOCA proponent for a further extension of the due date of the DOCAs from 31 October 2018 to 21 November 2018. | 01/11/2018 |
ASIC has granted the company relief from its financial reporting obligations in relation to: the financial year of the company ending 30 June 2016; the half-year of the company ending 31 December 2016; the financial year of the company ending 30 June 2017; the half-year of the company ending 31 December 2017; the financial year of the company ending 30 June 2018; and a financial year or half-year of the company ending during the deferral period. The deferral period relates to the earlier of: 30 September 2019; or the date on which a disclosure is lodged on ASIC in relation to any offer for issue or sale of securities that needs disclosure to investors; if the company has a managing controller and is not under external administration, the date the company ceases to have a managing controller appointed; or if the company has an external administrator appointed and does not have a managing controller, the date that the company ceases to be under external administration. | 03/10/2018 |
The DOCA proponent has obtained written confirmation from ASX that it will not relist the securities of GOE without the company recomplying with Chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules. The administrator and the DOCA proponent are working towards effectuating the DOCA by the due date of 31 October 2018. Accordingly, a meeting of GOE shareholders will in due course be convened to approve the recapitalisation proposal. | 03/09/2018 |
Following a scheduled ASX internal system change affecting the Market Announcements Platform, it has been necessary to re-apply the "˜Suspend' session state. This announcement serves to re-confirm the securities of this entity remain suspended. | 06/08/2018 |
The deed administrators provide an update to shareholders. At theh concurrent meeting of creditors held on 28 June 2018, creditors approved a further extension of the due date of the DOCAs from 30 June 2018 to 31 October 2018. | 29/06/2018 |
The deed administrators release an update circular to creditors. They seek a further extension of the due date of the DOCAs from 30 June 2018 to 31 October 2018. There is also an update in relation to the DOCA of GEPL. The DOCAs of GOE and GME have no material changes since the last report. The estimated return to creditors are also detailed in the administrators' report. In the event that the proposed extension of the DOCA effectuation is not approved, the DOCAs are likely to be terminated and the companies will be placed into liquidiation. Lastly, the concurrent meetings of the creditors of GOE, GEPL and GME will be held at the offices of Pitcher Partnres, Level 22 MLC Centre, 19 Martin Place, Sydney on 28 June 2018 at 11:30am. | 14/06/2018 |
The company releases a letter to its shareholders in relation to the DOCA. At the concurrent meeting of creditors held on 29 January 2018, creditors approved a further extension of the due date of the DOCAs from 31 January 2018 to 30 June 2018. | 05/02/2018 |
The company releases Deed an Administrator's Update Report to Creditors. | 15/01/2018 |
At the 29 September 2017 meeting of creditors, creditors approved a further extension of the due date of the DOCAs from 6 October 2017 to 31 January 2018. | 05/10/2017 |
ASIC has granted the company relief from its financial reporting obligations in relation to: the financial year of the company ending 30 June 2016; the half-year ending 31 December 2016; the financial year ending 30 June 2017 nad a financial year or half-year ending during the deferral period. | 03/10/2017 |
The deed administrators provide an update report to creditors. A meeting of the Company's creditors is to be held at the offices of Pitcher Partners, Level 22 MLC Centre, 19 Martin Place, Sydney on Friday, 29 September 2017 at 10:00am. At this meeting, creditor's approval will be sought for a further extension of the due date of the DOCAs from 6 October 2017 to 31 January 2018. | 15/09/2017 |
The company releases a letter to its shareholders regarding the DOCA. The due date of the DOCA was extended to 6 October 2017. | 31/08/2017 |
The DOCAs were due to end on 30 April 2017 or at a later date as agreed in writing by the Deed Administrator and the DOCA proponent. The DOCA proponent will extend the due date of the DOCAs to 31 August 2017. | 24/04/2017 |
DOCA was executed on 15 November 2016. A meeting of shareholders will be convened by the company. | 16/11/2016 |
The adjourned second concurrent meetings of creditors were held on 25 October 2016. At the adjourned meetings, creditors resolved that the following companies be placed into the Deed of Company Arrangement: Go Energy Group Limited; GoEnergy Pty Limited; and Go Markets Environmental Trading Pty Limited. The DOCAs are to be executed 15 business days from the date of the adjourned meetings for each of the above companies. Should the DOCAs be executed within the requisite time period I will include a copy of the executed DOCA by way of an announcement to the ASX. | 04/11/2016 |
The company releases the Administrator's Supplementary Report to Creditors. | 18/10/2016 |
ASIC has granted the company relief from its financial reporting obligations in relation to the financial year of the company ended 30 June 2016 and the half-year of the company ending 31 December 2016 until the earlier of: a) 30 September 2017; or b) the date the company ceases to be under external administration. ASIC also granted an extension of the holding of the 2016 AGM to a date that is two months after the deferral period. | 05/10/2016 |
At the concurrent second meetings of creditors on 22 August 2016 creditors of the below companies resolved that the second meetings of creditors be adjourned for a period not exceeding 45 business days, being on or before 25 October 2016: Go Energy Group Limited; GoEnergy Pty Limited; Go Markets Environmental Trading Pty Limited. At the concurrent second meetings, creditors also resolved that the below subsidiaries of the Company should be placed into liquidation: GoEnergy Shared Services Pty Limited; GoEnergy Installations Pty Limited; Solco Solar Products Pty Limited. | 24/08/2016 |
The company provides the Administrator's Report to Creditors. Also, notice is given that a concurrent meetings of the creditors of the Go Energy Group will be held at the offices of Pitcher Partners, Level 22 MLC Centre, 19 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000 on 22 August 2016 at 11:00am. | 12/08/2016 |
on 26 April 2016, the administrator was granted orders by the Supreme Court of NSW granting an extension of the convening period for the company and its subsidiaries. In accordance with the orders, the second meetings of creditors are to be convened on or before 15 August 2016. | 28/04/2016 |
The following wholly owned subsidiary of the company was placed into voluntary administration by the respective company pursuant to section 436A of the Corporations Act 2001: Go Markets Environmental Trading Pty Limited. Paul Gerard Weston of Pitcher Partners NSW Pty Limited was the appointed administrator of the subsidiary. | 12/04/2016 |
The company releases the minutes of the Section 436E Meeting. | 07/04/2016 |
On 1 April 2016 the following wholly owned subsidiaries of the Company were placed into Voluntary Administration by each of the respective companies pursuant to section 436A of the Corporations Act 2001 (the Act): GoEnergy Pty Limited; GoEnergy Shared Services Pty Ltd; GoEnergy Installations Pty Ltd; Solco Solar Products Pty Limited (the Subsidiaries). Paul Gerard Weston of Pitcher Partners NSW Pty Limited was the appointed Administrator of the Subsidiaries. | 01/04/2016 |
On 21 March 2016, the Board of Directors of Go Energy Group Limited (GOE and GOEAA) appointed Paul Gerard Weston of Pitcher Partners NSW Pty Ltd as Administrator pursuant to Section 436A of the Corporations Act. The Administrator will undertake an immediate assessment of the Company to determine the options available for utilising the administration process for restructuring the Company's affairs. | 22/03/2016 |
Go Energy Group Limited requests that the current voluntary suspension of its securities continues from commencement of trading Monday 21 March 2016. The Company wishes the suspension to last until the earlier of market open Tuesday 29 March 2016 and the release of the announcement in relation to the corporate and financing update. | 21/03/2016 |
The securities of Go Energy Group Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from official quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. | 14/03/2016 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Go Energy Group Limited will be lifted immediately following the release of an announcement regarding a business review. | 29/02/2016 |
The company lodges its half yearly report and accounts. | 29/02/2016 |
GO energy Group Limited is pleased to announce that it has completed a review of its business activities and operations and as a result will implement a number of changes. To support the Group's growth and development, a number of funding arrangements have been put in place. The proceeds of these arrangements will be used to fund the business's customer growth and as working capital for the Group. | 29/02/2016 |
Go Energy Group Limited hereby requests that the current voluntary suspension of its securities continues from commencement of trading on Friday 26 February 2016. | 25/02/2016 |
The securities of Go Energy Group Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from official quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: GOE | 23/02/2016 |
name changed from Solco Limited | 17/11/2015 |
this company deregistered today | 30/12/2020 |
delisted from the close of trading on 15 March 2019 pursuant to Listing rule 17.12. | 15/03/2019 |
we understand this company failed and has been placed into liquidation, there will be no return to shareholders | 15/03/2019 |
a loss declaration (see page 4 of the document) has been issued and the capital loss can therefore be claimed in the financial year the declaration is issued - in this case 2018/19 | 08/03/2019 |
At a meeting of creditors last 6 March 2019, it was resolved that the DOCA be terminated and the company be placed into liquidation on the same day. There are insufficient funds to enable a return to shareholders. | 06/03/2019 |
The company releases the deed administrator's report to creditors. | 21/02/2019 |
The administrator agreed in writing with the DOCA proponent for a further extension of the due date of the DOCAs from 1 February 2019 to 26 February 2019. | 12/02/2019 |
The administrator agreed with the DOCA proponent to further extend the due date of the DOCAs from 18 January 2019 to 1 February 2019. | 23/01/2019 |
The deed administrators provide an update to the shareholders. Agreement was made with the DOCA proponent for a further extension of the due date of the DOCAs from 4 January 2019 to 18 January 2019. | 14/01/2019 |
The general meeting of the company scheduled to be held on 20 December 2018 at 2.00pm AEST has been cancelled. The general meeting was principally called for shareholders to consider and approve resolutions in relation to a proposal for the recapitalisation of the company. The proposed recapitalisation will not proceed. The resolutions proposed at the general meeting are no longer required. The deed administrator has decided to cancel the general meeting. | 17/12/2018 |
Separate DOCAs for the following companies were executed on 15 November 2016: Go Energy Group Limited; GoEnergy Pty Limited; and Go Markets Environmental Trading Pty Limited. At the concurrent meeting of creditors on 19 November 2018, creditors approved a further extension of the due date of the DOCAs from 21 November 2018 to 4 January 2019 as well as the proposed variation of the DOCAs. | 21/11/2018 |
The company releases a notice of general meeting. The meeting will be held at Pitcher Partners, Level 22 MLC Centre, 19 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000, on Thursday, 20 December 2018 at 2.00pm (AEST). | 21/11/2018 |
The company releases the Deed Administrator's Report to Creditors. | 09/11/2018 |
Separate DOCAs for the following companies were executed on 15 November 2016: Go Energy Group Limited; GoEnergy Pty Limited; and Go Markets Environmental Trading Pty Limited. The administrator agrees with the DOCA proponent for a further extension of the due date of the DOCAs from 31 October 2018 to 21 November 2018. | 01/11/2018 |
ASIC has granted the company relief from its financial reporting obligations in relation to: the financial year of the company ending 30 June 2016; the half-year of the company ending 31 December 2016; the financial year of the company ending 30 June 2017; the half-year of the company ending 31 December 2017; the financial year of the company ending 30 June 2018; and a financial year or half-year of the company ending during the deferral period. The deferral period relates to the earlier of: 30 September 2019; or the date on which a disclosure is lodged on ASIC in relation to any offer for issue or sale of securities that needs disclosure to investors; if the company has a managing controller and is not under external administration, the date the company ceases to have a managing controller appointed; or if the company has an external administrator appointed and does not have a managing controller, the date that the company ceases to be under external administration. | 03/10/2018 |
The DOCA proponent has obtained written confirmation from ASX that it will not relist the securities of GOE without the company recomplying with Chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules. The administrator and the DOCA proponent are working towards effectuating the DOCA by the due date of 31 October 2018. Accordingly, a meeting of GOE shareholders will in due course be convened to approve the recapitalisation proposal. | 03/09/2018 |
Following a scheduled ASX internal system change affecting the Market Announcements Platform, it has been necessary to re-apply the "˜Suspend' session state. This announcement serves to re-confirm the securities of this entity remain suspended. | 06/08/2018 |
The deed administrators provide an update to shareholders. At theh concurrent meeting of creditors held on 28 June 2018, creditors approved a further extension of the due date of the DOCAs from 30 June 2018 to 31 October 2018. | 29/06/2018 |
The deed administrators release an update circular to creditors. They seek a further extension of the due date of the DOCAs from 30 June 2018 to 31 October 2018. There is also an update in relation to the DOCA of GEPL. The DOCAs of GOE and GME have no material changes since the last report. The estimated return to creditors are also detailed in the administrators' report. In the event that the proposed extension of the DOCA effectuation is not approved, the DOCAs are likely to be terminated and the companies will be placed into liquidiation. Lastly, the concurrent meetings of the creditors of GOE, GEPL and GME will be held at the offices of Pitcher Partnres, Level 22 MLC Centre, 19 Martin Place, Sydney on 28 June 2018 at 11:30am. | 14/06/2018 |
The company releases a letter to its shareholders in relation to the DOCA. At the concurrent meeting of creditors held on 29 January 2018, creditors approved a further extension of the due date of the DOCAs from 31 January 2018 to 30 June 2018. | 05/02/2018 |
The company releases Deed an Administrator's Update Report to Creditors. | 15/01/2018 |
At the 29 September 2017 meeting of creditors, creditors approved a further extension of the due date of the DOCAs from 6 October 2017 to 31 January 2018. | 05/10/2017 |
ASIC has granted the company relief from its financial reporting obligations in relation to: the financial year of the company ending 30 June 2016; the half-year ending 31 December 2016; the financial year ending 30 June 2017 nad a financial year or half-year ending during the deferral period. | 03/10/2017 |
The deed administrators provide an update report to creditors. A meeting of the Company's creditors is to be held at the offices of Pitcher Partners, Level 22 MLC Centre, 19 Martin Place, Sydney on Friday, 29 September 2017 at 10:00am. At this meeting, creditor's approval will be sought for a further extension of the due date of the DOCAs from 6 October 2017 to 31 January 2018. | 15/09/2017 |
The company releases a letter to its shareholders regarding the DOCA. The due date of the DOCA was extended to 6 October 2017. | 31/08/2017 |
The DOCAs were due to end on 30 April 2017 or at a later date as agreed in writing by the Deed Administrator and the DOCA proponent. The DOCA proponent will extend the due date of the DOCAs to 31 August 2017. | 24/04/2017 |
DOCA was executed on 15 November 2016. A meeting of shareholders will be convened by the company. | 16/11/2016 |
The adjourned second concurrent meetings of creditors were held on 25 October 2016. At the adjourned meetings, creditors resolved that the following companies be placed into the Deed of Company Arrangement: Go Energy Group Limited; GoEnergy Pty Limited; and Go Markets Environmental Trading Pty Limited. The DOCAs are to be executed 15 business days from the date of the adjourned meetings for each of the above companies. Should the DOCAs be executed within the requisite time period I will include a copy of the executed DOCA by way of an announcement to the ASX. | 04/11/2016 |
The company releases the Administrator's Supplementary Report to Creditors. | 18/10/2016 |
ASIC has granted the company relief from its financial reporting obligations in relation to the financial year of the company ended 30 June 2016 and the half-year of the company ending 31 December 2016 until the earlier of: a) 30 September 2017; or b) the date the company ceases to be under external administration. ASIC also granted an extension of the holding of the 2016 AGM to a date that is two months after the deferral period. | 05/10/2016 |
At the concurrent second meetings of creditors on 22 August 2016 creditors of the below companies resolved that the second meetings of creditors be adjourned for a period not exceeding 45 business days, being on or before 25 October 2016: Go Energy Group Limited; GoEnergy Pty Limited; Go Markets Environmental Trading Pty Limited. At the concurrent second meetings, creditors also resolved that the below subsidiaries of the Company should be placed into liquidation: GoEnergy Shared Services Pty Limited; GoEnergy Installations Pty Limited; Solco Solar Products Pty Limited. | 24/08/2016 |
The company provides the Administrator's Report to Creditors. Also, notice is given that a concurrent meetings of the creditors of the Go Energy Group will be held at the offices of Pitcher Partners, Level 22 MLC Centre, 19 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000 on 22 August 2016 at 11:00am. | 12/08/2016 |
on 26 April 2016, the administrator was granted orders by the Supreme Court of NSW granting an extension of the convening period for the company and its subsidiaries. In accordance with the orders, the second meetings of creditors are to be convened on or before 15 August 2016. | 28/04/2016 |
The following wholly owned subsidiary of the company was placed into voluntary administration by the respective company pursuant to section 436A of the Corporations Act 2001: Go Markets Environmental Trading Pty Limited. Paul Gerard Weston of Pitcher Partners NSW Pty Limited was the appointed administrator of the subsidiary. | 12/04/2016 |
The company releases the minutes of the Section 436E Meeting. | 07/04/2016 |
On 1 April 2016 the following wholly owned subsidiaries of the Company were placed into Voluntary Administration by each of the respective companies pursuant to section 436A of the Corporations Act 2001 (the Act): GoEnergy Pty Limited; GoEnergy Shared Services Pty Ltd; GoEnergy Installations Pty Ltd; Solco Solar Products Pty Limited (the Subsidiaries). Paul Gerard Weston of Pitcher Partners NSW Pty Limited was the appointed Administrator of the Subsidiaries. | 01/04/2016 |
On 21 March 2016, the Board of Directors of Go Energy Group Limited (GOE and GOEAA) appointed Paul Gerard Weston of Pitcher Partners NSW Pty Ltd as Administrator pursuant to Section 436A of the Corporations Act. The Administrator will undertake an immediate assessment of the Company to determine the options available for utilising the administration process for restructuring the Company's affairs. | 22/03/2016 |
Go Energy Group Limited requests that the current voluntary suspension of its securities continues from commencement of trading Monday 21 March 2016. The Company wishes the suspension to last until the earlier of market open Tuesday 29 March 2016 and the release of the announcement in relation to the corporate and financing update. | 21/03/2016 |
The securities of Go Energy Group Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from official quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. | 14/03/2016 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Go Energy Group Limited will be lifted immediately following the release of an announcement regarding a business review. | 29/02/2016 |
The company lodges its half yearly report and accounts. | 29/02/2016 |
GO energy Group Limited is pleased to announce that it has completed a review of its business activities and operations and as a result will implement a number of changes. To support the Group's growth and development, a number of funding arrangements have been put in place. The proceeds of these arrangements will be used to fund the business's customer growth and as working capital for the Group. | 29/02/2016 |
Go Energy Group Limited hereby requests that the current voluntary suspension of its securities continues from commencement of trading on Friday 26 February 2016. | 25/02/2016 |
The securities of Go Energy Group Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from official quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: GOE | 23/02/2016 |
name changed from Solco Limited | 17/11/2015 |
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GO Energy Asutralia PTY LTD It seems the company is still there. but the liqidation is total loss. We are confused. | 27/06/2020 07:50:50 |
11/09/2015 | Adam Pearse | On market | 125,000 | $0.026 | $3,200 |
08/09/2015 | Adam Pearse | On market | 775,000 | $0.025 | $19,065 |
07/12/2012 | David Richardson | On market | 4,056,676 | $0.021 | $84,101 |
25/06/2012 | David Richardson | On market | 571,940 | $0.030 | $17,342 |
David Richardson | Non Exec Chairman | 07/02/2006 |
Warren Kember | CEO, CFO, Company Secretary | 01/02/2015 |
Rod Harvey | Non Exec Director | 15/12/2015 |
Dean Walker | Non Exec Director | 15/12/2015 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Brian Thomas | Non Exec Chairman | 23/02/2016 | 29/02/2016 |
Adam Pearse | Director | 23/02/2015 | 29/02/2016 |
Craig Vivian | Non Exec Director | 22/10/2012 | 11/08/2015 |
Ian Campbell | Non Exec Director | 21/11/2007 | 11/08/2015 |
Anthony Coles | CEO | 23/04/2012 | 15/07/2014 |
Mark Norman | Non Exec Director | 23/11/2007 | 02/01/2013 |
Stephen Missen | CFO | 28/06/2011 | 13/04/2012 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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