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former shareholders in this company may have unclaimed money arising from the compulsory acquisition of their shares - deListed provides a tracing service for a small administration fee that identifies where people can find unclaimed monies arising from compulsory acquisitions and also from dividend distributions, super contributions, inoperative bank, building society or credit union accounts, bequests and other sources - please click here for access to our Lost shares, Lost money?? service


Yandal litigation finalised today following final orders made by Justice Merkel in the Federal Court which delete the option for shareholders to claim withdrawal rights on their shares


ASIC advises of success in seeking compensation for shareholders arising from the takeover by Yandal Gold - some 18 cents a share compensation is being mailed to shareholders this week (over $33.7 million eventually sent to nearly 3000 former shareholders of GCM as compensation for disadvantage they suffered as a result of the takeover)


in June 1999, shareholders were given the option of repaying the takeover price and having their GCM shares transferred back to them, as an alternative to receiving a share of the compensation - Normandy Mining Ltd (now Newmont Australia Ltd) has applied to the court for this withdrawal option to be removed - shareholders wishing to have their say in relation to this application can register for access to the shareholders website by visiting or by phoning 08 9269 7301


name changed to Normandy Yandal Operations Limited


Justice Ron Merkel of the Federal Court finds that Yandal Gold, jointly owned by Mr Joseph Gutnick's family company Edensor Nominees, and Normandy, acted illegally during the $460 million takeover of the company (in 1999 - we do not have a precise date)


name changed from Great Central Mines NL

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