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ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)


ASX, Legal & CGT Status


(updated at weekends)
Former (or subsequent) names
PADBURY MINING LIMITED11/06/200906/02/2017
GREATER PACIFIC GOLD NL09/08/199609/02/2000
Shareholder links
Our website ranking of PDY: rating 5
(5 out of 5)


Automic Registry Pty Ltd
Tel : +61 (2) 8072 1400 or 1300 288 664 (within Australia)
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
Address: 100 Colin Street, West Perth WA 6005
Tel:  +61 8 6460 0250 Fax: +61 8 6460 0250

Date first listed: 04/11/1993

Sector: Materials
Industry Group: XMJ
Activities: Exploration for gold and other economic resources

name changed to Austsino Resources Group Limited


The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report.


The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report.


The company provides an update on its Capital Raising & Non-Binding Proposal for Further Capital.


Padbury Mining Limited advises that the Company is still finalising the further proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in suspension. It is anticipated an announcement updating the market will be made on or before 28 February 2017.


The company provides a clarification of ASX Aware Letter Response.


The company issues a Response to ASX Query.


Padbury's AGM will be held at Level 3, 88 William Street, Perth, WA on Wednesday, 25 January 2017, at 10.00AM (AWST).


The company releases its Appendix 4G.


The company releases its Annual Report to shareholders.


The Company is still finalising the further proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in suspension. It is anticipated an announcement updating the market will be made on or before 30 December 2016.


Padbury Mining Limited advises that the Company is still finalising the further proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in suspension. It is anticipated an announcement updating the market will be made on or before 30 November 2016.


Padbury Mining Limited advises that the Company is still finalising the further proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in suspension. It is anticipated an announcement updating the market will be made on or before 31 October 2016.


Padbury Mining Limited advises that the Company is still finalising the further proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in suspension. It is anticipated an announcement updating the market will be made on or before 30 September 2016.


Padbury Mining directors banned for three years due to 'Oakajee Funding Secured' announcement - the Federal Court today banned Gary Stokes and Terence Quinn from managing corporations for three years and ordered they each pay a $25,000 fine for breaching their duties as directors of Padbury Mining Ltd with respect to the company's disclosure obligations.


The company advises that the Company is still finalising the further proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in suspension. It is anticipated an announcement updating the market will be made on or before 31 August 2016.


The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report.


The Company together with two of its directors, Mr Gary Stokes and Mr Terrence Quinn, have entered into a Settlement Deed with ASIC n relation to the proceedings commenced by ASIC in June 2015 against the Company, Mr Stokes and Mr Quinn. Mr Quinn and Mr Stokes have also consented to the Court making declarations that they have contravened sections 674(2A) and 180(1) of the Act. The making of any orders (including penalties) in these proceedings is at the discretion of the Court. It is anticipated that the Court will make its orders after 28 July 2016 following a brief hearing.


Padbury Mining Limited (ASX: PDY) advises that the Company is still finalising the further proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in suspension. It is anticipated an announcement updating the market will be made on or before 29 July 2016.


Padbury Mining Limited advises that the Company is still finalising the further proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in suspension. It is anticipated an announcement updating the market will be made on or before 30 June 2016.


Padbury Mining Limited (ASX: PDY) advises that the Company is still finalising the further proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in suspension. It is anticipated an announcement updating the market will be made on or before 31 May 2016.


The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report.


Padbury Mining Limited (ASX: PDY) advises that the Company is still finalising the further proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in suspension. It is anticipated an announcement updating the market will be made on or before 30 April 2016.


Padbury Mining Limited (ASX: PDY) is pleased to announce that it has executed a Share Subscription Agreement with Du Yong Yi to subscribe for 200 million ordinary shares in PDY at $0.01 per share for a total amount of $2 million. Mr Du is a private Chinese investor who is the Managing Director and major shareholder of Sunten LKE Power LLC. He also has property interests in in China and Dubai.


The company lodges its half yearly report and accounts.


Padbury Mining Limited advises that the Company is still finalising the further proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in suspension. It is anticipated an announcement updating the market will be made on or before 31 March 2016.


The company advises that it is still finalising the further proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in suspension. It is anticipated an announcement updating the market will be made on or before 29 February 2016.


The company lodges its quarterly cash flow report.


The company lodges its quarterly activities report.


Padbury Mining Limited (ASX: PDY) advises that the Company is still finalising the further proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in suspension. It is anticipated an announcement updating the market will be made on or before 29 January 2016.


Padbury Mining Limited (ASX: PDY) advises that the Company is still finalising the further proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in suspension. It is anticipated an announcement updating the market will be made on or before 31 December 2015.


The company releases the results of its AGM.


Padbury Mining Limited (ASX: PDY) advises that the Company is still finalising the further proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in suspension.


The company lodges its quarterly activities report.


The company lodges its quarterly cash flow report.


The company lodges its annual report.


The company announces that the annual general meeting will be held on Monday 30 November 2015, at 9.00am (AWST) at Level 3, 88 William Street, Perth WA 6000.


The company lodges its annual report for 30 June 2015.


Padbury Mining Limited (ASX: PDY) advises that the Company is still finalising the further proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in suspension. It is anticipated an announcement updating the market will be made on or before 31 October 2015.


Padbury Mining Limited (ASX: PDY) advises that the Company is still finalising the further proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in suspension.


Padbury Mining Limited (ASX:PDY) is pleased to announce the issue of 15 million fully paid ordinary shares at an issue price of $0.01 per share to raise $0.15m from a sophisticated investor. Proceeds from the placement will provide working capital.


The Company is still finalising the further proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. It is anticipated an announcement updating the market will be made on or before 31 August 2015.


The company lodges its quarterly cash flow report.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report for the quarter ended June 30, 2015.


Padbury Mining Limited (ASX:PDY) is pleased to announce that its application for a Mining Lease over the current mineral deposit areas at Telecom Hill has been approved and is subject to standard endorsements and conditions for the issue of such a lease including indigenous land use and environmental considerations.


Padbury Mining Limited (ASX:PDY) is pleased to announce the issue of 20 million fully paid ordinary shares at an issue price of $0.01 per share to raise $0.2m from unrelated investors. Proceeds from the placement will provide working capital.


The company advises that the Company is still finalising the further proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in suspension


advises that ASIC has commenced civil proceedings against Padbury for alleged contraventions of Sections 674(2) and 1041H(1) Corporations Act 2001 in relation to statements made to Australian Stock Exchange Limited. ASIC has also commenced civil penalty proceedings against Terry Quinn and Gary Stokes for alleged contraventions of Sections 180(1) AND 674(2A) of the Corporations Act 2001.


Padbury Mining Limited (ASX: PDY) advises that the Company is still finalising the further proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in suspension. It is anticipated an announcement updating the market will be made on or before 30 June 2015.


Padbury Mining Limited (ASX: PDY) advises that the Company is still finalising the further proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in suspension. It is anticipated an announcement updating the market will be made on or before 31 May 2015


Padbury Mining Limited (ASX: PDY) advises that the Company is still finalising the further proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in suspension. It is anticipated an announcement updating the market will be made on or before 13 April 2015


Padbury Mining Limited (ASX: PDY) advises that the Company is still finalising the further proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in suspension. It is anticipated an announcement updating the market will be made on or before 31 March 2015


lodges Half-Year Financial Report


Padbury Mining Limited (ASX: PDY) advises that the Company is still finalising the further proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in suspension. It is anticipated an announcement updating the market will be made on or before 4 March 2015


Padbury Mining Limited (ASX: PDY) advises that the Company is still finalising the further proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in suspension. It is anticipated an announcement updating the market will be made on or before 18 February 2015


the Company is still finalising the proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in suspension. It is anticipated an announcement updating the market will be made on or before 6 February 2015


Padbury Mining Ltd (ASX: PDY) (Company) refer to the request to ASX on 19 December 2014 for a suspension of its securities and to the Company's subsequent suspension update announcement on 22 December 2014 and 2 January 2015. The Company is still finalising the proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in voluntary suspension. It is anticipated an announcement updating the market will be made on or before 19 January 2015


The Company is still finalising the proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in voluntary suspension. It is anticipated an announcement updating the market will be made on or before 12 January 2015


Padbury Mining Limited (ASX: PDY) advises that the Company is still finalising the proposed capital raising with the relevant investors. Subject to the finalisation of the proposed capital raising the Company will remain in suspension. It is anticipated an announcement updating the market will be made on or before 2 January 2015


The securities of Padbury Mining Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: PDY


The securities of Padbury Mining Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: PDY


The suspension of trading in the securities of Padbury Mining Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately following a response to an ASX query. Security Code: PDY PDYO


the Agreement announced on 11 April 2014 is terminated


Padbury Mining Limited (Padbury) is still in discussions with ASIC and the ASX in relation to the shareholders agreement referred to in Padbury's announcement of 11 April 2014. Subject to the outcome of those discussions, it is anticipated an announcement updating the market will be made early next week.


the Company requests that its listed securities remain in suspension, pending the finalisation of an announcement to the market regarding the shareholders' agreement referred to in Padbury's announcement of 11 April 2014


2, Padbury Mining Limited (Padbury or the Company) hereby requests that its listed securities remain in suspension, pending the finalisation of an announcement (Announcement) to the market regarding the shareholders' agreement referred to in Padbury's announcement of 11 April 2014 (Shareholders' Agreement).


requests that its listed securities remain in suspension, pending the finalisation of an announcement (Announcement) to the market regarding the shareholders' agreement referred to in Padbury's announcement of 11 April 2014


Pursuant to Listing Rule 17.2, Padbury Mining Limited (Padbury or the Company) hereby requests that its listed securities remain in suspension, pending the finalisation of an announcement (Announcement) to the market regarding the shareholders' agreement referred to in Padbury's announcement of 11 April 2014 (Shareholders' Agreement).


The securities of Padbury Mining Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation from the commencement of trading on 15 April 2014, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: PDY PDYO


we understand that on or about this date the company undertook, proposed to undertake or was the subject of the following corporate action: - combining Padbury's 70 percent interest and Aurium's 30 per cent interest in the Peak Hill Iron project into the one Padbury vehicle - this corporate event may appear elsewhere in this company record


listed entity carried for record purposes only



View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)


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ASX, Legal & CGT Status

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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

    rss feeds

    Purchases Sales

    05/08/2014Gary StokesOn market25,000,000$0.004$100,300
    04/07/2012Gary StokesOn market1,000,000$0.006$6,000
    03/08/2011John SaundersOn market930,000$0.018$16,740

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)
    Edward SaundersExecutive Chairman19/08/2016
    William HanNon Exec Director19/12/2011
    Michael KeeminkNon Exec Director19/08/2016
    Graham AndersonCompany Secretary
    Henko VosCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    Terry QuinnNon Exec Chairman19/12/201119/08/2016
    Gary StokesManaging Director, CEO02/11/200919/08/2016
    John SaundersChairman22/06/201019/12/2011
    Garret DixonDirector05/09/201119/12/2011
    David SouthamDirector05/09/201119/12/2011

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.