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ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)


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Date first listed: 27/05/1997

name changed to Aconcagua Resources Limited


issues shares, changes its name to Aconcagua Resources Limited and advises that Mr. Franco Belli, Mr. David Hobday and Mr. Andres Susaeta have been appointed to the board and Mr. Adrian Fuller has resigned


the company advises that all resolutions proposed at today's meeting were carried and informs the market that shareholders have approved the change of the name of the Company to Aconcagua Resources Limited


provides notice of annual general meeting to held at Suite 708, Level 7, 33 Bligh Street, Sydney New South Wales on 25th November 2005 at 9.00am EST - this to approve the issue of shares, the change of activity and a change of name - also provides an independent valuation of the Aguas Claras Mineral Sands Project


company advises it has entered into a share sale agreement to acquire all of the issued shares in Clearwater Resources Pty Ltd - Clearwater holds a 99.7% interest in Inversiones Aconcagua Limitada (Aconcagua) incorporated in the Republic of Chile - Aconcagua holds mining and exploration concessions in Chile for prospective mineral sand deposits


lodges annual reports for the last three years and a correction to the 2000 report - also lodges a financial report for the 6 months to 31 December 2001 - the last accounts (for the year to 30 June 2004) reflect losses, a big deficit in operating cash flows and a net assets deficiency


lodges half yearly report and accounts


issues 1.25m shares to Mr J Isaacs


the company has issued 500,000 ordinary shares at 20 cents each to a Mr F Belli along with a further 1,000,000 ordinary shares as an option fee - this gives the company the option to acquire a 50% interest in a mineral concession in Chile - the transaction is subject to shareholder approval


lodges annual report - there is a lot of red ink and directors state "further disclosure of information regarding likely developments in the operations of the company in future financial years and the expected results of those operations is likely to result in unreasonable prejudice to the company"


capital consolidated on the basis of one for every forty shares held


all resolutions put to AGM passed


AGM scheduled for 23 June 2004


lodges half year accounts


this company's shares have not traded for more than four years - the last financial report lodged with ASX revealed that its liabilities exceeded its assets


lodges annual report


the company failed to lodge its half yearly financial statements on time and ASIC has taken action to prevent the company from using the limited disclosure regime when raising money


name changed from SMC Resources Limited


shares suspended from quotation

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)


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