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12 September 2024
Name: | REPCOL LIMITED (RPC) (This company subsequently changed its name and is now RESOURCE EQUIPMENT LTD. You should refer to that name for Status.) | |||||||||
Date of Listing: | 16 May 2002 | |||||||||
Subsequent Names: |
Stock Exchange Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now RESOURCE EQUIPMENT LTD. You should refer to that name for Stock Exchange Status.Legal Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now RESOURCE EQUIPMENT LTD. You should refer to that name for Legal Status.Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now RESOURCE EQUIPMENT LTD. You should refer to that name for Capital Gains Tax Status.
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Company | FROM | TO |
RER GROUP LIMITED | 13/07/2009 | 13/09/2010 |
REPCOL LIMITED | 13/07/2009 |
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name changed to RER Group Limited | 13/07/2009 |
securities to be reinstated to quotation on 13 July | 09/07/2009 |
settlement of the Resource Equipment Rentals Pty Ltd (RER) acquisition has today been completed - settlement included the issue of 54,767,515 Ordinary Shares and 18,750,000 options and the payment of $5m to the vendors of RER or their nominees | 08/07/2009 |
announces the successful completion of its $8,500,000 capital raising under its May 2009 Prospectus. Trading will commence on Monday 13 July 2009 under ASX code RGD | 08/07/2009 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 16 | 30/06/2009 |
the securities of Repcol Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately following the receipt of shareholder approval for the Company to change its activities | 26/06/2009 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 21/04/2009 |
shares suspended from quotation pending release of an announcement | 16/04/2009 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 29/05/2008 |
company reports on a variety of operational matters | 23/05/2008 |
the company advises that the Net Tangible Asset Backing of the company is 35.24 cents per share at 30 April 2008 | 14/05/2008 |
company advises that its non-renounceable rights issue outlined in the prospectus issued on 1 April 2008 has now closed - Subject to the clearance of share application monies, 71,372,012 shares and 35,686,006 options will be allotted to existing shareholders with the balance of the rights issue shares of 355,943,530 and 177,971,765 options to be taken up by the underwriters of the issue. Repcol is now liaising with ASX in relation to reinstatement to official quotation of all its securities | 06/05/2008 |
company releases its half yearly report and accounts | 31/03/2008 |
announces that it has completed the sale of its shares in Byond Global Pvt Ltd (formerly named Repcol India Pvt Ltd) - the terms of the sale are substantially in accordance with those approved by shareholders at the General Meeting held on 14 February 2008 | 31/03/2008 |
company advises that the review of the half year results to 31 December 2007 has not yet been completed by its external auditors - it expects the review to be completed shortly and will lodge the Appendix 4D containing the reviewed results as soon as this occurs | 29/02/2008 |
company advises that the motions considered at today's meeting were carried on a show of hands as ordinary resolutions | 14/02/2008 |
company reports the current balance of unlisted options for Repcol Limited | 08/02/2008 |
company issues a Notice of General Meeting to be held on Thursday, 14 February 2008 | 15/01/2008 |
announces that a wholly owned Repcol subsidiary, Repcol (WA) Pty Ltd, has been appointed to the Western Australian State Government Common Use Arrangement Panel for debt recovery services | 21/12/2007 |
company announces that it has completed the sale of its shares in Transpacific Debt Purchase Pty Ltd to Cargill Financial Services International, Inc | 17/12/2007 |
the resolutions considered at today's general meeting were passed | 26/11/2007 |
the company has undertaken a significant organisational restructure (in personnel) "to prepare for future opportunities and growth whilst continuing to meet the service needs of its debt collection clients" | 23/11/2007 |
company advises that its discussions on restructuring proposals with Cargill Financial Services Inc are continuing - to enable these discussions to be progressed to the point of a firm agreement, Cargill has agreed to continue to assist in funding the operating costs of Repcol India Pvt Ltd until 30 September 2007 subject to certain terms and conditions | 31/08/2007 |
company advises that its discussions on restructuring proposals with Cargill Financial Services Inc are continuing | 27/07/2007 |
Repcol and Credit Corp Group Limited ("CG") have entered into formal loan book sale and standstill agreements under which, subject to Shareholder approval, Repcol will sell its owned debt ledgers for $13.9 million to CCG, subject to the terms of any restructuring and recapitalisation proposal that may be received from CCG and agreed to by Repcol | 18/05/2007 |
a General Meeting is to be held at the Outridge Hoft Room(best entry is Gate 6, Level 3), Subiaco Oval, Subiaco Road, Subiaco, Western Australia on Monday, 18 June 2007 commencing at 10.00am (WST) - the purpose is to seek shareholder approval for the sale of the debt ledgers | 18/05/2007 |
Credit Corp Group Limited has negotiated the acquisition from the National Australia Bank of the First Fixed and Floating charge over the assets and undertaking of Repcol Limited Group of companies, including their purchased debt ledgers - the parties are negotiating a standstill agreement for the period up to 28 May 2007 in respect of the rights under the security pending the exercise of options to acquire, and the outcome of a meeting of Repcol's shareholders to approve the sale of 100% of Repcol's owned purchased debt ledgers to Credit Corp | 19/04/2007 |
company is pursuing refinancing/restructuring options with alternative financiers including continuing discussions with Nab - it has also been approached by a number of other parties who have expressed an interest in acquiring the Company or certain of its assets - the company has a convertible note held by Cargill Financial Services International Inc to the value of $5 million with an expiry date of 20 June 2009 - an event of default occurred on 13 March 2007 when the Company was suspended from the ASX for more than 10 consecutive WA business days - preparation of the Company's half year accounts on a going concern basis is dependent on Repcol refinancing its existing finance facilities | 11/04/2007 |
company releases a response to an ASX query regarding financing agreements with NAB | 15/03/2007 |
Repcol advises that its shares will remain suspended pending: 1. the finalisation of the audit review of the half year accounts; 2. the refinancing of existing finance facilities; and 3. due diligence in relation to an acquisition proposal | 13/03/2007 |
shares suspended from quotation pending release of an announcement | 26/02/2007 |
name changed to RER Group Limited | 13/07/2009 |
securities to be reinstated to quotation on 13 July | 09/07/2009 |
settlement of the Resource Equipment Rentals Pty Ltd (RER) acquisition has today been completed - settlement included the issue of 54,767,515 Ordinary Shares and 18,750,000 options and the payment of $5m to the vendors of RER or their nominees | 08/07/2009 |
announces the successful completion of its $8,500,000 capital raising under its May 2009 Prospectus. Trading will commence on Monday 13 July 2009 under ASX code RGD | 08/07/2009 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 16 | 30/06/2009 |
the securities of Repcol Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately following the receipt of shareholder approval for the Company to change its activities | 26/06/2009 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 21/04/2009 |
shares suspended from quotation pending release of an announcement | 16/04/2009 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 29/05/2008 |
company reports on a variety of operational matters | 23/05/2008 |
the company advises that the Net Tangible Asset Backing of the company is 35.24 cents per share at 30 April 2008 | 14/05/2008 |
company advises that its non-renounceable rights issue outlined in the prospectus issued on 1 April 2008 has now closed - Subject to the clearance of share application monies, 71,372,012 shares and 35,686,006 options will be allotted to existing shareholders with the balance of the rights issue shares of 355,943,530 and 177,971,765 options to be taken up by the underwriters of the issue. Repcol is now liaising with ASX in relation to reinstatement to official quotation of all its securities | 06/05/2008 |
company releases its half yearly report and accounts | 31/03/2008 |
announces that it has completed the sale of its shares in Byond Global Pvt Ltd (formerly named Repcol India Pvt Ltd) - the terms of the sale are substantially in accordance with those approved by shareholders at the General Meeting held on 14 February 2008 | 31/03/2008 |
company advises that the review of the half year results to 31 December 2007 has not yet been completed by its external auditors - it expects the review to be completed shortly and will lodge the Appendix 4D containing the reviewed results as soon as this occurs | 29/02/2008 |
company advises that the motions considered at today's meeting were carried on a show of hands as ordinary resolutions | 14/02/2008 |
company reports the current balance of unlisted options for Repcol Limited | 08/02/2008 |
company issues a Notice of General Meeting to be held on Thursday, 14 February 2008 | 15/01/2008 |
announces that a wholly owned Repcol subsidiary, Repcol (WA) Pty Ltd, has been appointed to the Western Australian State Government Common Use Arrangement Panel for debt recovery services | 21/12/2007 |
company announces that it has completed the sale of its shares in Transpacific Debt Purchase Pty Ltd to Cargill Financial Services International, Inc | 17/12/2007 |
the resolutions considered at today's general meeting were passed | 26/11/2007 |
the company has undertaken a significant organisational restructure (in personnel) "to prepare for future opportunities and growth whilst continuing to meet the service needs of its debt collection clients" | 23/11/2007 |
company advises that its discussions on restructuring proposals with Cargill Financial Services Inc are continuing - to enable these discussions to be progressed to the point of a firm agreement, Cargill has agreed to continue to assist in funding the operating costs of Repcol India Pvt Ltd until 30 September 2007 subject to certain terms and conditions | 31/08/2007 |
company advises that its discussions on restructuring proposals with Cargill Financial Services Inc are continuing | 27/07/2007 |
Repcol and Credit Corp Group Limited ("CG") have entered into formal loan book sale and standstill agreements under which, subject to Shareholder approval, Repcol will sell its owned debt ledgers for $13.9 million to CCG, subject to the terms of any restructuring and recapitalisation proposal that may be received from CCG and agreed to by Repcol | 18/05/2007 |
a General Meeting is to be held at the Outridge Hoft Room(best entry is Gate 6, Level 3), Subiaco Oval, Subiaco Road, Subiaco, Western Australia on Monday, 18 June 2007 commencing at 10.00am (WST) - the purpose is to seek shareholder approval for the sale of the debt ledgers | 18/05/2007 |
Credit Corp Group Limited has negotiated the acquisition from the National Australia Bank of the First Fixed and Floating charge over the assets and undertaking of Repcol Limited Group of companies, including their purchased debt ledgers - the parties are negotiating a standstill agreement for the period up to 28 May 2007 in respect of the rights under the security pending the exercise of options to acquire, and the outcome of a meeting of Repcol's shareholders to approve the sale of 100% of Repcol's owned purchased debt ledgers to Credit Corp | 19/04/2007 |
company is pursuing refinancing/restructuring options with alternative financiers including continuing discussions with Nab - it has also been approached by a number of other parties who have expressed an interest in acquiring the Company or certain of its assets - the company has a convertible note held by Cargill Financial Services International Inc to the value of $5 million with an expiry date of 20 June 2009 - an event of default occurred on 13 March 2007 when the Company was suspended from the ASX for more than 10 consecutive WA business days - preparation of the Company's half year accounts on a going concern basis is dependent on Repcol refinancing its existing finance facilities | 11/04/2007 |
company releases a response to an ASX query regarding financing agreements with NAB | 15/03/2007 |
Repcol advises that its shares will remain suspended pending: 1. the finalisation of the audit review of the half year accounts; 2. the refinancing of existing finance facilities; and 3. due diligence in relation to an acquisition proposal | 13/03/2007 |
shares suspended from quotation pending release of an announcement | 26/02/2007 |
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John Saleeba | Non Exec Chairman | |
James Cullen | CEO | |
Scott Linklater | COO | |
Ian Allen | Non Exec Director | |
William Ryan | Non Exec Director | |
Hidio Jackson | Company Secretary |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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