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16 September 2024
Name: | SYNTONIC LIMITED (SYT) | |||||||||
ISIN: | AU000000SYT5 | |||||||||
Date of Listing: | 12 June 2007 | |||||||||
Date of Delisting: | 27 March 2023 | |||||||||
Former Names: |
Stock Exchange Status:
This entity was delisted from the Australian Securities Exchange on 27 March 2023.Legal Status:
ACN: 123 867 765ABN: 68 123 867 765
Registration Date: 09 February 2007
Deregistration Date: 29 February 2024
Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
This entity was deregistered on 29 February 2024. Deregistration is a Capital Gains Tax Event. In our opinion you are entitled to crystallise any capital loss in the tax year that deregistration occurs providing you have not previously done so. If you did not crystallise your loss in the tax year the entity was deregistered, you may seek to re-open that year’s assessment but anyway should seek professional advice as to how best to proceed.
Updates, corrections, disagreements please email to
Further information: deListed and InvestoGain are operated by Investogain Pty Limited which is licensed by ASIC as an Australian Financial Services Licensee (AFSL 334036). deListed acquires only securities that it deems to be of little or no value, in circumstances where the holder is unable to sell their securities on-market in the normal manner. This service has been provided online via the company’s website since 2004.
Getting advice: Information provided in this section is of a general nature and applicable only to Australian tax residents who hold their investments on capital account (ie for long-term investment purposes). It has been prepared without taking into account your financial needs or tax situation. Before acting on the information, deListed suggests that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and recommends that you seek independent legal, financial, or taxation advice.
Disclaimer: The information provided above is to the best of our knowledge accurate as of today. But you should bear in mind that it is of a general nature and does not constitute financial or tax advice. Investogain Pty Limited accepts no liability for any loss arising from reliance on this information, including reliance on information that is no longer current.
Company | FROM | TO |
SYNTONIC LIMITED | 19/07/2016 | |
PACIFIC ORE LIMITED | 12/12/2007 | 19/07/2016 |
Computershare Perth
Level 17, 221 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail
company is deregistered today | 29/02/2024 |
delisted by ASX under Listing Rule 17.12 | 27/03/2023 |
we understand ASX removed the company from listing because its securities have been suspended from quotation for a continuous period of two years | 27/03/2023 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report. | 23/01/2023 |
The company releases a notice of application for quotation of securities. | 05/01/2023 |
The company releases a notice of aapplication for quotation of securities. | 23/12/2022 |
The company releases a notice of application for quotation of securities. | 20/12/2022 |
1,735,516,378 quoted options, exercisable at $0.002 each (SYTOA) will expire at 5pm (WST) on Saturday, 31 December 2022. Official quotation of the Options on ASX will cease at close of trading on Thursday, 22 December 2022, being four business days before the Expiry Date. | 30/11/2022 |
The company releases the Results of its Meeting. | 28/11/2022 |
The company releases a letter to its shareholders regarding its upcoming Annual General Meeting. | 27/10/2022 |
The annual general meeting of the Company will be held at the offices of Pathways Corporate, Level 3, 101 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA on 28 November 2022 at 2:00 pm AWST. | 27/10/2022 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report. | 19/10/2022 |
The company intends to hold its AGM on 28 November 2022. Any director nominations must be received at the company's registered office no later than 5.00pm (Perth time) on 10 October 2022. | 03/10/2022 |
The company releases its Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance Statement. | 23/08/2022 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4E and Annual Report to Shareholders. | 23/08/2022 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report. | 14/07/2022 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report. | 19/04/2022 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4D & FY22 Interim Financial Report. | 21/02/2022 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report. | 24/01/2022 |
The company releases the results of its meeting. | 29/11/2021 |
The annual general meeting of the Company will be held at the offices of Pathways Corporate, Level 3, 101 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA on 29 November 2021 at 10:00 am AWST. | 28/10/2021 |
The company releases a letter to its shareholders regarding its upcoming AGM. | 28/10/2021 |
The company releases its Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance Statement. | 26/10/2021 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4E and Annual Report to shareholders. | 26/10/2021 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report. | 25/10/2021 |
The company's AGM will be held on 29 November 2021 The closing date for the receipt of nominations for the election of directors is 18 October 2021. Any nominations must be received in writing no later than 5.00 (AWST) on 18 October 2021 at the company's registered office. | 08/10/2021 |
The company has executed a deed of termination and release - royalty deed with Western Areas Limited for cash consideration of $200,000 (ex GST). Under the terms of the termination deed, Western Areas remains liable to pay the company a royalty for the quarter ending 30 September 2021, expected to be circa $30,000, on or before 31 October 2021. | 04/10/2021 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report. | 27/07/2021 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report. | 22/04/2021 |
The securities of Syntonic Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately in accordance with Listing Rule 17.3, as ASX has determined that SYT's operations are not adequate to warrant the continued quotation of its securities and therefore it is in breach of Listing Rule 12.1. The suspension will continue until SYT is able to demonstrate compliance with Listing Rule 12.1 of the Listing Rules. | 25/03/2021 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Syntonic Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Monday, 28 September 2020, following the release by SYT of an announcement regarding the execution of formal binding documentation of the Company's proposed sale of its entire interest in the outstanding issued share capital of its subsidiaries Syntonic Wireless Inc. and Syntonic US Inc. (including Syntonic Brasil Tecnologia LTDA, a wholly owned subsidiary of Syntonic US Inc.) to First Orion Corp. | 25/09/2020 |
The company releases a letter to its shareholders which discusses the details of the upcoming general meeting. | 25/09/2020 |
A General Meeting of the Company will be held at Blackwall Legal, Level 26, 140 St Georges Terrace, Perth Western Australia on 26 October 2020 at 9am (WST). | 25/09/2020 |
The company has executed a share purchase agreement for the proposed sale of the company's entire interest in the outstanding issued share capital of its subsidiaries, Syntonic Wireless and Syntonic US to First Orion Corp. | 25/09/2020 |
The company has cancelled 10,000,000 unlisted incentive stock options exercisable at $0.04 as vesting conditions were not met. | 11/09/2020 |
Syntonic requests that the voluntary suspension remain in place until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Monday, 21 September 2020, or the company releases the announcement in respect to the execution of formal binding documentation of the company's proposed transaction. | 10/09/2020 |
The company lodges its Preliminary Final Report. | 07/09/2020 |
The company proposes the sale of its entire interest in the outstanding issued share capital of its subsidiaries, Syntonic Wireless and Syntonic US to First Orion Corp. | 07/09/2020 |
Syntonic requests that the voluntary suspension remain in place until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Monday, 7 September 2020, or the company releases the announcement in relation to the potential divestment of the company's main undertaking. | 01/09/2020 |
Syntonic requests that the voluntary suspension remain in place until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Tuesday, 1 September 2020, or the company releases the announcement in respect to the potential divestment of the company's main undertaking. | 18/08/2020 |
The securities of Syntonic Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of SYT, pending the release of an announcement regarding the potential divestment of the Company's main undertaking. | 04/08/2020 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Syntonic Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Monday, 18 November 2019, following the release by SYT of an announcement regarding financial restructuring. | 15/11/2019 |
Fully underwritten, pro-rata non-renounceable entitlement offer to raise up to $3,472,033. Proceeds from the entitlement offer will be utilised to fully repay the existing Obsidian convertible notes that have been put on standstill, replace those undrawn working capital reserves and provide working capital to advance the Company's new strategy and business focus. Additional cost reduction measures including decrease in executive salaries and elimination of support for non-strategic legacy deployments. Withdrawal of consolidation resolution and non-executive director share resolution at the upcoming AGM. | 15/11/2019 |
Syntonic shifting support from legacy products to content monetisation services using its Revenue Generation Platform. Transition to content monetisation allows Syntonic to reduce its engineering costs, increase margins and to assume more control over its business performance. Termination of non-strategic legacy deployments and transition of key carriers to support content monetisation services. | 15/11/2019 |
The company expects the voluntary suspension to end at the earlier of commencement of trade on 18 November 2019 or the release of an announcement to the market in respect of the financial restructuring. | 05/11/2019 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report. | 01/11/2019 |
The company expects the voluntary suspension to end at the earlier of commencement of trade on Tuesday, 5 November 2019, or the release of an announcement in respect of a financial restructuring. | 22/10/2019 |
The annual general meeting of the company will be held at Pathways Corporate, Level 6, 105 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA, 6000 on 18 November 2019 at 1.00pm AWST. | 18/10/2019 |
Rapid launch of Fox Sports Latin America's Fox Gol mobile soccer service via Syntonic's Revenue Generation Platform in Brazil and Mexico. Fox Gol is now available to Claro and TIM mobile subscribers in Brazil and América Móvil's Telcel subscribers in Mexico, with additional deployments scheduled throughout FY2020. All Fox Gol content subscription sales will now be assumed by Syntonic, activating a new source of revenue starting in the current quarter. | 15/10/2019 |
The company expects the voluntary suspension of its securities to end at the earlier of commencement of trade on 22 October 2019 or the release of an announcement in respect of a financial restructuring. | 15/10/2019 |
The company expects the voluntary suspension to end at the earlier of commencement of trade on Tuesday, 15 October 2019, or the release of an announcement to the market in respect of a financial restructuring. | 07/10/2019 |
The company releases its Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance Statement. | 30/09/2019 |
The company lodges its Annual Report to shareholders. | 30/09/2019 |
The company expects the voluntary suspension to end at the commencement of trade on 7 October 2019 when it anticipates it will be in a position to make an announcement to the market in respect of a financial restructuring. | 27/09/2019 |
Fox Sports Latin America selects Syntonic's Revenue Generation Platform for the digital distribution and monetisation of Fox Gol soccer content. Syntonic to share net revenue generated via the Syntonic platform with Fox Sports for Fox Gol content subscription sales in Brazil and Mexico. The Fox Gol business is currently operational and supports approximately 700,000 active users. All Fox Gol content subscription sales will be transitioned to the Syntonic platform in early Q2 FY20, activating a new source of revenue for the company. | 27/09/2019 |
The company requests an extension of the voluntary suspension of its securities to finalise the release of an announcement in respect of a content distribution and monetisation agreement. The voluntary suspension is expected to end at the commencement of trade on 27 September 2019 when the company anticipates it will be in a position to make an announcement in respect of the abovementioned matter. | 25/09/2019 |
The company requests an extension of the suspension of its securities. The extension is expected to end at the commencement of trade on 25 September 2019, when it anticipates that it will be in a position to make an announcement to the market in respect of a content distribution and monetisation agreement. | 20/09/2019 |
The company requests an extension to the voluntary suspension of its securities to enable the company to finalise the release of an announcement to market in respect of a content distribution and monetization agreement. The company expects the voluntary suspension to end at the commencement of trade on 20 September 2019. | 16/09/2019 |
The company requests an extension of the voluntary suspension of its securities to finalise the release of an announcement to market in respect of a content distribution and monetization agreement. The voluntary suspension is expected to end at the commencement of trade on 16 September 2019. | 12/09/2019 |
The securities of Syntonic Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of SYT, pending the release of an announcement regarding a content distribution and monetization agreement. | 10/09/2019 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Syntonic Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by SYT of an announcement regarding a capital raising. | 18/12/2018 |
Syntonic has completed a bookbuild for a private placement to raise $1.1 million at 0.55 cents per ordinary share. Placement is supported by new and existing sophisticated investors. Funds will be used to advance the global deployment of Syntonic's mobile advertising and mobile commerce platform technologies. | 18/12/2018 |
The securities of Syntonic Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of SYT, pending the release of an announcement regarding a capital raising. | 17/12/2018 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Syntonic Limited will be lifted immediately, following receipt of an announcement to the market in respect of a material licensing agreement. | 20/08/2018 |
Syntonic has acquired the assets of the mobile commerce business unit of Zenvia Mobile Servicos Digitais, a leading Brazilian Application-to-Person service provider. Non-dilutive purchase consists of a cash consideration of US$700,000 (A$940,000) and a vendor earn-out of 20% of the first US$21.5 million of contribution margin over 3.5 years. All acquired assets and business operations will be transferred and/or assigned to Syntonic Brazil, a newly incorporated Syntonic subsidiary, during H2 CY18 with all operating revenues to be recognised during the transition period. | 20/08/2018 |
The Company expects the voluntary suspension will continue until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Monday, 20 August 2018, or the release of an announcement by the Company on the material business agreement. | 14/08/2018 |
The Company expects the voluntary suspension will continue until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Tuesday, 14 August 2018, or the release of an announcement by the Company on the material business agreement. | 09/08/2018 |
Following a scheduled ASX internal system change affecting the Market Announcements Platform, it has been necessary to re-apply the "˜Suspend' session state. This announcement serves to re-confirm the securities of this entity remain suspended. | 06/08/2018 |
The securities of Syntonic Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement regarding a licensing agreement. | 03/08/2018 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Syntonic Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by the Company of an announcement regarding a material business acquisition. | 18/06/2018 |
Syntonic is proposing to acquire e the mobile commerce business unit of Zenvia Mobile Servicos Digitais. The proposed acquisition includes the core technology platform operational assets, and the assignment of all contracts for a cash consideration of US$700,000 and a vendor earn-out of 20% of the first US$21.5 million (A$28.9 million) of contribution margin generated by the acquired assets over 3.5 years. The acquisition is subject to Syntonic board approval and executing formal binding agreements. | 18/06/2018 |
The securities of Syntonic Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. | 14/06/2018 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Syntonic Limited will be lifted immediately, following the receipt of a response to an ASX Aware Query. | 18/04/2018 |
The company issues a response to ASX Aware Letter. | 18/04/2018 |
ASX has suspended the securities of Syntonic Limited from official quotation pursuant to Listing Rule 17.3 for failure to respond to an ASX query. The suspension will continue until the Company provides a satisfactory response to ASX's query. | 06/04/2018 |
The securities of Syntonic Limited (formerly Pacific Ore Limited) ("Company") will be reinstated to official quotation as from 10 am AEST on Wednesday, 20 July 2016 following the Company's compliance with listing rule 11.1.3 and chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules. 1,061,400,810 ordinary shares fully paid | 19/07/2016 |
name changed from Pacific Ore Limited | 19/07/2016 |
company is deregistered today | 29/02/2024 |
delisted by ASX under Listing Rule 17.12 | 27/03/2023 |
we understand ASX removed the company from listing because its securities have been suspended from quotation for a continuous period of two years | 27/03/2023 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report. | 23/01/2023 |
The company releases a notice of application for quotation of securities. | 05/01/2023 |
The company releases a notice of aapplication for quotation of securities. | 23/12/2022 |
The company releases a notice of application for quotation of securities. | 20/12/2022 |
1,735,516,378 quoted options, exercisable at $0.002 each (SYTOA) will expire at 5pm (WST) on Saturday, 31 December 2022. Official quotation of the Options on ASX will cease at close of trading on Thursday, 22 December 2022, being four business days before the Expiry Date. | 30/11/2022 |
The company releases the Results of its Meeting. | 28/11/2022 |
The company releases a letter to its shareholders regarding its upcoming Annual General Meeting. | 27/10/2022 |
The annual general meeting of the Company will be held at the offices of Pathways Corporate, Level 3, 101 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA on 28 November 2022 at 2:00 pm AWST. | 27/10/2022 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report. | 19/10/2022 |
The company intends to hold its AGM on 28 November 2022. Any director nominations must be received at the company's registered office no later than 5.00pm (Perth time) on 10 October 2022. | 03/10/2022 |
The company releases its Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance Statement. | 23/08/2022 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4E and Annual Report to Shareholders. | 23/08/2022 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report. | 14/07/2022 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report. | 19/04/2022 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4D & FY22 Interim Financial Report. | 21/02/2022 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report. | 24/01/2022 |
The company releases the results of its meeting. | 29/11/2021 |
The annual general meeting of the Company will be held at the offices of Pathways Corporate, Level 3, 101 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA on 29 November 2021 at 10:00 am AWST. | 28/10/2021 |
The company releases a letter to its shareholders regarding its upcoming AGM. | 28/10/2021 |
The company releases its Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance Statement. | 26/10/2021 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4E and Annual Report to shareholders. | 26/10/2021 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report. | 25/10/2021 |
The company's AGM will be held on 29 November 2021 The closing date for the receipt of nominations for the election of directors is 18 October 2021. Any nominations must be received in writing no later than 5.00 (AWST) on 18 October 2021 at the company's registered office. | 08/10/2021 |
The company has executed a deed of termination and release - royalty deed with Western Areas Limited for cash consideration of $200,000 (ex GST). Under the terms of the termination deed, Western Areas remains liable to pay the company a royalty for the quarter ending 30 September 2021, expected to be circa $30,000, on or before 31 October 2021. | 04/10/2021 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report. | 27/07/2021 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report. | 22/04/2021 |
The securities of Syntonic Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately in accordance with Listing Rule 17.3, as ASX has determined that SYT's operations are not adequate to warrant the continued quotation of its securities and therefore it is in breach of Listing Rule 12.1. The suspension will continue until SYT is able to demonstrate compliance with Listing Rule 12.1 of the Listing Rules. | 25/03/2021 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Syntonic Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Monday, 28 September 2020, following the release by SYT of an announcement regarding the execution of formal binding documentation of the Company's proposed sale of its entire interest in the outstanding issued share capital of its subsidiaries Syntonic Wireless Inc. and Syntonic US Inc. (including Syntonic Brasil Tecnologia LTDA, a wholly owned subsidiary of Syntonic US Inc.) to First Orion Corp. | 25/09/2020 |
The company releases a letter to its shareholders which discusses the details of the upcoming general meeting. | 25/09/2020 |
A General Meeting of the Company will be held at Blackwall Legal, Level 26, 140 St Georges Terrace, Perth Western Australia on 26 October 2020 at 9am (WST). | 25/09/2020 |
The company has executed a share purchase agreement for the proposed sale of the company's entire interest in the outstanding issued share capital of its subsidiaries, Syntonic Wireless and Syntonic US to First Orion Corp. | 25/09/2020 |
The company has cancelled 10,000,000 unlisted incentive stock options exercisable at $0.04 as vesting conditions were not met. | 11/09/2020 |
Syntonic requests that the voluntary suspension remain in place until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Monday, 21 September 2020, or the company releases the announcement in respect to the execution of formal binding documentation of the company's proposed transaction. | 10/09/2020 |
The company lodges its Preliminary Final Report. | 07/09/2020 |
The company proposes the sale of its entire interest in the outstanding issued share capital of its subsidiaries, Syntonic Wireless and Syntonic US to First Orion Corp. | 07/09/2020 |
Syntonic requests that the voluntary suspension remain in place until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Monday, 7 September 2020, or the company releases the announcement in relation to the potential divestment of the company's main undertaking. | 01/09/2020 |
Syntonic requests that the voluntary suspension remain in place until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Tuesday, 1 September 2020, or the company releases the announcement in respect to the potential divestment of the company's main undertaking. | 18/08/2020 |
The securities of Syntonic Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of SYT, pending the release of an announcement regarding the potential divestment of the Company's main undertaking. | 04/08/2020 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Syntonic Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Monday, 18 November 2019, following the release by SYT of an announcement regarding financial restructuring. | 15/11/2019 |
Fully underwritten, pro-rata non-renounceable entitlement offer to raise up to $3,472,033. Proceeds from the entitlement offer will be utilised to fully repay the existing Obsidian convertible notes that have been put on standstill, replace those undrawn working capital reserves and provide working capital to advance the Company's new strategy and business focus. Additional cost reduction measures including decrease in executive salaries and elimination of support for non-strategic legacy deployments. Withdrawal of consolidation resolution and non-executive director share resolution at the upcoming AGM. | 15/11/2019 |
Syntonic shifting support from legacy products to content monetisation services using its Revenue Generation Platform. Transition to content monetisation allows Syntonic to reduce its engineering costs, increase margins and to assume more control over its business performance. Termination of non-strategic legacy deployments and transition of key carriers to support content monetisation services. | 15/11/2019 |
The company expects the voluntary suspension to end at the earlier of commencement of trade on 18 November 2019 or the release of an announcement to the market in respect of the financial restructuring. | 05/11/2019 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report. | 01/11/2019 |
The company expects the voluntary suspension to end at the earlier of commencement of trade on Tuesday, 5 November 2019, or the release of an announcement in respect of a financial restructuring. | 22/10/2019 |
The annual general meeting of the company will be held at Pathways Corporate, Level 6, 105 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA, 6000 on 18 November 2019 at 1.00pm AWST. | 18/10/2019 |
Rapid launch of Fox Sports Latin America's Fox Gol mobile soccer service via Syntonic's Revenue Generation Platform in Brazil and Mexico. Fox Gol is now available to Claro and TIM mobile subscribers in Brazil and América Móvil's Telcel subscribers in Mexico, with additional deployments scheduled throughout FY2020. All Fox Gol content subscription sales will now be assumed by Syntonic, activating a new source of revenue starting in the current quarter. | 15/10/2019 |
The company expects the voluntary suspension of its securities to end at the earlier of commencement of trade on 22 October 2019 or the release of an announcement in respect of a financial restructuring. | 15/10/2019 |
The company expects the voluntary suspension to end at the earlier of commencement of trade on Tuesday, 15 October 2019, or the release of an announcement to the market in respect of a financial restructuring. | 07/10/2019 |
The company releases its Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance Statement. | 30/09/2019 |
The company lodges its Annual Report to shareholders. | 30/09/2019 |
The company expects the voluntary suspension to end at the commencement of trade on 7 October 2019 when it anticipates it will be in a position to make an announcement to the market in respect of a financial restructuring. | 27/09/2019 |
Fox Sports Latin America selects Syntonic's Revenue Generation Platform for the digital distribution and monetisation of Fox Gol soccer content. Syntonic to share net revenue generated via the Syntonic platform with Fox Sports for Fox Gol content subscription sales in Brazil and Mexico. The Fox Gol business is currently operational and supports approximately 700,000 active users. All Fox Gol content subscription sales will be transitioned to the Syntonic platform in early Q2 FY20, activating a new source of revenue for the company. | 27/09/2019 |
The company requests an extension of the voluntary suspension of its securities to finalise the release of an announcement in respect of a content distribution and monetisation agreement. The voluntary suspension is expected to end at the commencement of trade on 27 September 2019 when the company anticipates it will be in a position to make an announcement in respect of the abovementioned matter. | 25/09/2019 |
The company requests an extension of the suspension of its securities. The extension is expected to end at the commencement of trade on 25 September 2019, when it anticipates that it will be in a position to make an announcement to the market in respect of a content distribution and monetisation agreement. | 20/09/2019 |
The company requests an extension to the voluntary suspension of its securities to enable the company to finalise the release of an announcement to market in respect of a content distribution and monetization agreement. The company expects the voluntary suspension to end at the commencement of trade on 20 September 2019. | 16/09/2019 |
The company requests an extension of the voluntary suspension of its securities to finalise the release of an announcement to market in respect of a content distribution and monetization agreement. The voluntary suspension is expected to end at the commencement of trade on 16 September 2019. | 12/09/2019 |
The securities of Syntonic Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of SYT, pending the release of an announcement regarding a content distribution and monetization agreement. | 10/09/2019 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Syntonic Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by SYT of an announcement regarding a capital raising. | 18/12/2018 |
Syntonic has completed a bookbuild for a private placement to raise $1.1 million at 0.55 cents per ordinary share. Placement is supported by new and existing sophisticated investors. Funds will be used to advance the global deployment of Syntonic's mobile advertising and mobile commerce platform technologies. | 18/12/2018 |
The securities of Syntonic Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of SYT, pending the release of an announcement regarding a capital raising. | 17/12/2018 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Syntonic Limited will be lifted immediately, following receipt of an announcement to the market in respect of a material licensing agreement. | 20/08/2018 |
Syntonic has acquired the assets of the mobile commerce business unit of Zenvia Mobile Servicos Digitais, a leading Brazilian Application-to-Person service provider. Non-dilutive purchase consists of a cash consideration of US$700,000 (A$940,000) and a vendor earn-out of 20% of the first US$21.5 million of contribution margin over 3.5 years. All acquired assets and business operations will be transferred and/or assigned to Syntonic Brazil, a newly incorporated Syntonic subsidiary, during H2 CY18 with all operating revenues to be recognised during the transition period. | 20/08/2018 |
The Company expects the voluntary suspension will continue until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Monday, 20 August 2018, or the release of an announcement by the Company on the material business agreement. | 14/08/2018 |
The Company expects the voluntary suspension will continue until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Tuesday, 14 August 2018, or the release of an announcement by the Company on the material business agreement. | 09/08/2018 |
Following a scheduled ASX internal system change affecting the Market Announcements Platform, it has been necessary to re-apply the "˜Suspend' session state. This announcement serves to re-confirm the securities of this entity remain suspended. | 06/08/2018 |
The securities of Syntonic Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement regarding a licensing agreement. | 03/08/2018 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Syntonic Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by the Company of an announcement regarding a material business acquisition. | 18/06/2018 |
Syntonic is proposing to acquire e the mobile commerce business unit of Zenvia Mobile Servicos Digitais. The proposed acquisition includes the core technology platform operational assets, and the assignment of all contracts for a cash consideration of US$700,000 and a vendor earn-out of 20% of the first US$21.5 million (A$28.9 million) of contribution margin generated by the acquired assets over 3.5 years. The acquisition is subject to Syntonic board approval and executing formal binding agreements. | 18/06/2018 |
The securities of Syntonic Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. | 14/06/2018 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Syntonic Limited will be lifted immediately, following the receipt of a response to an ASX Aware Query. | 18/04/2018 |
The company issues a response to ASX Aware Letter. | 18/04/2018 |
ASX has suspended the securities of Syntonic Limited from official quotation pursuant to Listing Rule 17.3 for failure to respond to an ASX query. The suspension will continue until the Company provides a satisfactory response to ASX's query. | 06/04/2018 |
The securities of Syntonic Limited (formerly Pacific Ore Limited) ("Company") will be reinstated to official quotation as from 10 am AEST on Wednesday, 20 July 2016 following the Company's compliance with listing rule 11.1.3 and chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules. 1,061,400,810 ordinary shares fully paid | 19/07/2016 |
name changed from Pacific Ore Limited | 19/07/2016 |
Your browser may reflect a date of printing in American format.
BIU | 04/04/2022 09:34:24 |
go here: and follow the steps how do i sell these worthless listed shares .
| 26/01/2021 10:39:40 |
Great potential | 26/04/2018 11:15:06 |
23/03/2016 | David Parker | On market | 800,000 | $0.038 | $30,400 |
Joe Graziano | Non Exec Director | 01/11/2020 |
Tim Slate | Non Exec Director, Company Secretary | 01/11/2020 |
Marie Turner | Non Exec Director | 23/05/2022 |
Carla Healy | Company Secretary |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
David Wheeler | Non Exec Director | 13/11/2019 | 23/05/2022 |
Steve Elfman | Non Exec Chairman | 05/10/2016 | 31/10/2020 |
Gary Greenbaum | Managing Director, CEO | 08/07/2016 | 31/10/2020 |
Rahul Agarwal | Executive Director | 08/07/2016 | 31/10/2020 |
Nigel Hennessy | Non Exec Director | 30/06/2017 | 13/11/2019 |
Chris Gabriel | Non Exec Director | 05/10/2016 | 31/12/2018 |
Ian Middlemas | Chairman | 19/04/2010 | 30/06/2017 |
Mark Pearce | Non Exec Director | 19/04/2010 | 05/10/2016 |
David Parker | Non Exec Director | 20/11/2009 | 08/07/2016 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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