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(updated at weekends)
2002 2003   ALL
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Date first listed: 07/10/2002

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delisted following compulsory acquisition by ABC Learning Centres Limited


we understand a merger of FutureOne Limited and ABC Learning Centres Limited occurred by ABC making an off-market takeover offer for all of the issued ordinary shares in FutureOne - the takeover offer was 2 ABC shares for every 9 FutureOne shares; and 1 option entitling the holder to 1 ABC share for every 36 FutureOne shares accepted into the takeover offer


company was originally Tenet Investments Limited (we have no date for the change of name) and subsequently listed on ASX on 7 October 2002

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Thank you - FOL was listed on 7 Oct 2002 - we have updated for that, however we will leave the date of the name change blank for now as it could have occurred anytime between 1991 and 2002.

12/01/2019 19:13:22

No FROM date. FOL first appeared in daily share data on 09/10/2002. This should be its FROM date and TO Date for TNI.

TNI first appeared in daily share data on 05/03/2002. In the absence of any other data, this could be used as a List Date.

02/01/2019 22:30:24
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